I'm so tired of hearing how you need to be a 310+ to do the Kings Fall Raid on hard mode. I know that I wasn't. And I know it's possible to do at a lower light. So here's the deal, at 11:30 PST I want to run a raid on the Xbox360 with all six of us at a 305 light or lower. I don't care what your loadout is. Just have a mic and patience. I'd need someone who has the capabilities to record it as well. I want to prove once and for all that light level is only a small portion of the raid and that skill truly triumphs. If anyone is interested send me a message and let's show the Destiny Community how this game could/should be!
Oryx hard Need 5 315+ ToM 2 Titans with blessing A runner Hard mode emblem Know the no knight Wanting to complete this fast so don't get in here and be messing around Message for invite Gt same above