I'm starting to think DeeJ wants to be photoshopped, but here's the pic, judging from his position and look on his face, he needs a good Photoshopping.
Edit: new one right here https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVmGeCnVAAAROGN?format=pjpg&name=large
Edit: somebody photoshop DeeJ on this now! http://cdn.discogs.com/HxAEH7suGIuujXitptKdk5xp758=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/L-330201-1383676699-1055.jpeg.jpg
Don't have the art anymore
pm me i want to see it
Pm Jolly burrito
PM the pic?
My poor nephew
Could you pm it to me pl0x?
Put him flying towards the wtc
Pm pls.
Is DeeJ growing a beard?
I will create something when I come home from work.
He luks liek dat 1 kid dat shoots up teh skool if h3 gits offendid
I feel like most peoples' photoshops for this would be nsfw.
Imagine if alt spam was still a thing. So many bannable pics would be here.
I've quite a few photoshopped pics of Deej, but the last one I put up got me banned lol
What a tool...