I'm starting to think DeeJ wants to be photoshopped, but here's the pic, judging from his position and look on his face, he needs a good Photoshopping.
Edit: new one right here https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVmGeCnVAAAROGN?format=pjpg&name=large
Edit: somebody photoshop DeeJ on this now! http://cdn.discogs.com/HxAEH7suGIuujXitptKdk5xp758=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/L-330201-1383676699-1055.jpeg.jpg
Don't have the art anymore
>saw the picture >oh god
Edited by Bitter Mercy: 12/7/2015 8:17:03 PMThese pics are pure gold!
That slav traxksuit though
Pm me pls!
Pm the art lol
Pm me jolly burritos and I'll pm u something of greater values trust ne
[b[ /b]
Can someone pm the pic
Pm pls
This is amazing
Add a massive amount of jizz into the second one. Emanating from a horse cock.
Edited by Celestial-bEing: 12/7/2015 10:20:19 AMbump and please pm the picture!!
Some one please do deej & Linda!
I want that pic
It took a while, but this thread finally got moving.
Can we all just spam these pictures at DeeJ on Twitter? If we could that would be great.
Pm plz
4chan /b/ros incoming
Edited by Nixtress: 12/7/2015 8:46:24 AMSomeone please, Santa, sleigh and Eris sat on his knee! ??