Tell Bungie to make Sunbreakers health 5% lower instead of 9%!!!!!!!!
(Hits your sleigh and auto targeting system fires)
(Smoking pile of fur is now on the ground)
Well crap.
Well, its not subtraction mate. It isn't 55% - 9%. Take 9% of 55%, which is about 6.1111%. So it is around 49 to 50% which they will be at.
O.O ~ ❄️ [i][b]Happy Holidays![/b][/i] ❄️
(Self resurrects) Okay with that out of the way can I have a year two armamentarium for Christmas?
Of course! HO HO HO!! :D ~ ❄️ [i][b]Happy Holidays![/b][/i] ❄️
Thx. (Disappears)