Hi there, 314 Hunter here and ready to help all who might need it, Kings Fall Normal or Hard, I'm up for the challenge, I complete both weekly. I have 3 characters all over 310, so if you don't want a Hunter I can switch over. Touch of Malice is ready and at hand, just shoot WAKEUPGRINGO a message or an invite. People with mic's are preferred cause communication is part of completion. I'm not doing this because I need to finish the raid but just to help people who are struggling to get that light level they need/want. Oh and I don't expect anything in return for this, I'm simply helping not making a profit.
I will be helping 2-4 lucky guardians get ToM. We will be getting all the calcified fragments (not including CoO or chests,but I do have 2 worm singer runes) and be doing the final mission. Just be 290+ and you must have everything done except for the 45 fragments. I will use one character and then maybe another to help. All you have to do is send a [u][b][i]voice message[/i][/b][/u] to [u]FaZe ThE CloWN[/u] ( I'm on Xbox 360, wish I could help other consoles to :,( ) If you don't have a mic send me a message stating you don't have one. I will be inviting the first 2 to a party. If I have time for a second run I will pick 2 more at random from my messages (I will only wait for 3 minutes before inviting someone else)