Fellow Titans, I come upon you at a time of need!
I am currently working on obtaining my Dark Drinker, and I require guidance on how to best obtain my Void ability kills. I have seen/read from our peril that this task is no easy undertaking. I am at your mercy, all I seek is advice.
If I may ask, what perks did you select that assisted your Defender Subclass the best? Did you use any specific Armor, or Weapons? Also, what strategy/farming method/technique did you use that worked best for you?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thank you for reading, my brothers in arms.
- [i]Polypro Ninja[/i]
Try to run max discipline, and equip the armamentarium. Then go into the "we've woken the hive!" mission with spike grenades. In the part with all the thralls, go to this supporting column under a platform outside where the dead guardian is. Basically you "train" the thralls to follow you and then use your spike grenade against the side of the column, if done correctly you can gain significant progress each time. To repeat just don't kill the knight and kill yourself - rinse and repeat. I saw this from a YouTube video, you can try to find it too. Worked well for me, good luck to you too!