Star Wars Battlefail currently has a 73 on metacritic with more mixed reviews than positive. It was obvious that this game was a cash grab lacking mode's.
It's sad to know that E.A. have the licence, the day's of great Star Wars games like KotOR are long gone.
What score do you guys think Star Wars Battlefront will achieve on metacritic over the next few days? My prediction is a 66 overall...
EDIT: PS4 version has a 74 overall. Link below...
EDIT 2: PC version is the lowest rated of all versions, the graphics will be vastly superior on PC. It currently has a 70. Link below....
Here are the numbers, look at how low the player base is for a new release. Star Wars BattleFail definitely flopped...
Shout out to DeusFever for bringing these stats to my attention...
Games amazing imo. Really find myself wanting to go back and play it over destiny every day since its been out. And this is coming from a destiny fanboy that hasn't bought any of the other games released lately and only wanted this for nostalgic reasons. Some of the most fun I've had in a long time actually.