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11/18/2015 10:04:41 PM

Any suggestions on which weapon I should use in Iron Banner/Crucible?

So, I admit that I am not the greatest PvP'er....very far from it actually. I started out superbly horrendous and have slowly, yet methodically, worked my way up to mildly terrible, with hopes of achieving not-quite-so-shameful status down the road. My biggest problem is that I don't play any form of PvP enough to consistently get good at it. But I do enjoy trying some of the dailies and for some unknown reason really like competing in Iron Banner. My early days of PvP were a disaster (maybe a K/D of -1.85, yup that's a negative) and combined with infrequent trips to the arena I've only slightly improved to .88-- yeah pretty sad, I know. But I am slowly showing signs of improvement...just hard to override those horrible, early-on numbers. So, I come to you fellow guardians in hopes of getting some feedback on which primary weapon I should focus on when it comes to Iron Banner and Crucible play. I have the following weapons fully upgraded and in the 292-298 range and was wondering what you guys/gals recommended me using. I don't get enough game time for raids, so raid primaries are out of the equation...for now. But here's what I have to choose from: Suros Regime Hung Jury Nirwen's Mercy Zhalo Supercell Monte Carlo Red Death Bad Juju I've used plenty of Auto's, Scout and Pulse's so I think as far as type of Primary, I'd be comfortable with whatever. But out of those choices, what do you all think would be my best 'go to' gun,. Pulse Rifles are pretty decent right now, so I've only used Nirwen's in the recent IB. But I'm up for trying anything. Or please feel free to share another recommendation for a Primary. As long as it is fairly easy to obtain via Marks/Vendors. Thanks in advance for any input/suggestions!

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