Looking to join a clan of fellow year one players.
We are... "The Rocket League!" Clan details: - Laid back - Enjoy laughs and jokes - We get the job done - Great PVP Players - Beastly PVE Players - Raid runners - Well-balanced in terms of PVE and PVP - No level requirement - Anyone can join! - No age requirement, but you have to be mature and able to take a joke. - Join for funsies, or for GLORY!! - We use the "Band" app as communication - Strong PS and Xbox community - Not focused on one console over the other - We want you! - 225+ members - Based off "Rocket League" game - You really want to join. Yeah. I know you do. So, THAT is who we are. Interested? No? Hm. Strange. What if we told you we have a French Dinklebot that serves your favorite cookies? Oh, now you want to join? I thought so. Join "The Rocket League!" The link is: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1131628