Thorn is such a noob weapon and if you use it in the crucible you are a noob and all of your input will be disregarded in this thread.
You, you good? Did you get it out? You feel better? Okay... Okay shhh sh sh sh. Here's your bottle full of healthy antioxidants. Oh, and of corse your hammer of sol you probably like to play with too huh baby!? :) and here's your little feet and tummy wummy! oh ! Do I hear a gurgle? Is someone hungry for dick!? I think someone is hungry for DICK! I'll go get my dick and shove it in your crying baby mouth. Besides, your crying over a year one useless piece of shit gun that's not easy to combat and worth nothing anymore to anyone, nor can the added 5 million people get it... So stop your crying crying baby gamer teenager nerd, everything is alright. See, when you grow up one day, you'll be a grown up, and GIT good like the rest of us :) Oh, I forgot my dick! I'll be right back. ;)