You know what, I don't even care about the vid anymore, CoD is a cancer, cod is a cancer cod is a cancer! If cod died, the fps genre would be a better place, because instead of appealing to filthy cod casuals, developers would make fps games that are dynamic, and actually fun, cod killed halo 4! Custom classes and killstrea- I mean ordnance drops, even tho they're the same damn thing. They were added in an attempt to bring cod players to halo, but all of us who wanted a real halo game get slapped in our faces, 343 is garbage. But that's not the point, I hope Black Ops 3 crashes and burns, I hope call of duty gets crushed by battlefield, halo, and battlefront, like the pathetic little bug it is. And if battlefield falls like Medal of Honor did, I will devote the rest of my life to either resurrecting battlefield, or crushing the CoD parasite once and for all, or both. #CoDIsAbsoluteGarbage, so I'm not getting Black Ops 3 and there's nothing you guys can do to stop me! If battlefield falls, we will have lost the last bastion of fps multiplayer that didn't water itself down and mutilate itself in order to make sure it was still easily accessible to 3rd graders, and casuals. And with that, I say farewell. P.S. CoD is garbage
Edit: I'm not a fanboy, I just hate CoD
Edit: cod is cancer cod is cancer cod is cancer cod is cancer cod is cancer cod is cancer cod is cancer cod is cancer cod is cancer cod is cancer cod is cancer cod is cancer cod is cancer cod is cancer cod is cancer cod is cancer cod is cancer cod is cancer cod is cancer cod is cancer
Its funny cause i remember when i was your age (you cant be older than 15) and i would never act the way you do.