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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by Astral Centipede: 3/17/2016 7:57:48 PM

Requests for DESTINY 2

So Destiny 2 is coming at some point; Bungie and High Moon Studios are working on it. It might already be too late (I don't know what stage of development it's in), but I would like to voice my wishes for what I would like to see as a consumer. [b]Anyone should feel free to post their own wishes.[/b] [b]GAMEPLAY[/b] - Ship combat. Imagine flying through the asteroids of the Reef fighting Fallen pirates. - More vehicle gameplay; I love the portions where I get to use Fallen pikes for example. - 60 frames per second. [b]SOCIAL[/b] - Clan management with clan social spaces and related features in the game itself. [url=]Read this thread (not mine) for details[/url]. - [b]A fireteam-finder[/b]. A menu in the game where you name your fireteam, type a description of what activities you're doing, and who you want to join, and those looking for a fireteam can find and join yours. - Public text chat in the tower. - Seamless joining into fireteams. If someone is at the same location as me, I should not have to go through a loading screen to join them. [b]STORY[/b] - Incorporate Grimoire Cards into the game through a menu, and allow the players to listen to them like audiobooks similar to Mass Effect's Codex. - Have a better story. I realize Destiny's poor "vanilla" story is not intentional, [url=]but a result of issues that happened during development[/url]. Hopefully a sequel will not have these issues. - Have some of the more obscure elements like the Ahamkara, the Harbingers, and the Nine play a bit more of a role, like a mission where you must find some bones of some Ahamkara for whatever reason. - Ask the questions "what is the Traveler? What is the Darkness? Where are they from? What do they want? Why?" Absolute and concrete answers aren't necessary, but don't just ignore these topics and questions. - Play with moral ambiguity a bit more. [url=]This[/url] Grimoire card does a good job of it. [b]ENVIRONMENT[/b] - On Earth, I would like to see multiple explorarable zones. Different regions like India, East Asia, and Africa. I don't want to just see the remains of Europe/Russia. I want to not only see different natural environments that other regions offer, but also the the ruins of the human cultures that once populated them. Imagine the juxtaposition of a Hindu temple near modern skyscraper. Imagine giant high-tech pyramid fortresses in an African desert; these structures once housed a long-dead warmind named after an Egyptian pharaoh, but now are overrun by Fallen scavengers - Keep showing us weird crazy places like the Black Garden and Hive throne worlds. - A full set of natural environments, including an icy world like the scrapped Europa playable area. - Let us explore more of the Reef, including the asteroids. - Let us see some zones of the City that isn't in the Tower. - Let us access the Vex gates to go to another space (and/or time). I want to see some planets outside the Solar System, even if it's just for one mission (kind of like we have limited access to Mercury). I actually wrote a bit about it [url=]here[/url]. [b]ENEMIES[/b] - The Fallen are far from monolithic; they are fractured into different warring houses. Use this opportunity to have some houses (a minority of them) form alliances with The City. This could work with some weaker houses like house Exile, and a rebuilt house Judgement (which is meant to be a peaceful diplomatic house for mediation anyway). The Fallen are sympathetic, use that, and let us see what Fallen look like when they're just hanging out as a village, raising their young, feeding on ether, etc. - The Cabal are by for the most boring enemy group. This is due to poor story development, but also because of visuals. Their aesthetics are too much like human technology, but somehow more boring and even less alien than actual human technology. Make their appearance more interesting while still maintaining their theme of military efficiency. [b]I would also like to see more of the species they conquered incorporated into their military[/b], like the psions are, and preferably not humanoid. - The Vex are capable of time manipulation, terraforming planets into machines, and share a unified mind across space and tme. Their appearance doesn't convey this very well, and neither does the abilities they possess in battle. I would suggest getting further away from the humanoid models (far from the most efficient), and using more weird complex non-humanoid models. Use the whole network hive-mind thing for combat ability ideas, for example, imagine a swarm of harpies that link up to create a web of energy to protect a boss, or units that combine. - I love many of the enemies, but I really wish they weren't so humanoid in appearance. Things can be done to make their silhouettes more alien, like elongating the Fallen to have longer arms and necks, but it might it might be too late for the Hive and Fallen. [b]For future alien species, please try to be weirder[/b]. A new enemy faction would be a good chance to get non-humanoid. - Some kind of giant monster like in [url=]this [/url]concept art. [b]GEAR & PROGRESSION[/b] - [b]Don't make gear obsolete with new expansions[/b]. Expansions should add to the arsenal to give players more variety and options; not remove older gear as viable options. This is not only bad for the variety of gear in the game, but it's a waste of beautiful art assets. [b] Keep the infuse system, and allow us to infuse older gear to the level of new gear[/b]. - More melee weapons other than swords, like spears for example. - More enemy-themed weapons. Vex and Cabal weapon drops that actually look Vex or Cabal respectively. - Multiple PVE paths to maximum level gear (2+ raids at launch, and an arena mode like Prison of Elders) - Don't make exotic quests so painful (example: endless farming of resources); it kills the fun, and the rewards are hardly worth it. On that subject, offer both PVE and PVP quest paths to get an exotic. - Don't be afraid to add weird unconventional types of weapons like continuous-beam lasers with overheat mechanics instead of reloading, or whatever else. - Purely cosmetic items. Having stats on class items made them no longer about player fashion preference, but instead about practicality—this means that there are situations where players wear items they hate the appearance of, or situations where they're discouraged to wear items they like the appearance of because of the stats. We need something we can wear just for the visual appearance without having to worry about the stats. - Even more great fashion. I have a thread on that [url=]here[/url]. [b]PVP[/b] - Add a higher level version of patrols that allow us to fight tougher enemies, get higher rewards, and engage in PVP against other guardians who we encounter. Crucible is fine I suppose, but the small constrained maps don't feel thematically connected with the open exploitative nature of the game offers. [b]Alternatively, public events could happen where participants must engage in PVP on the large patrol maps while PVE enemies are also present.[/b] - Some sort of larger (more players, expanded map borders), longer, more complex game type in crucible that feel less cramped. It could have multiple stages and important sub-objectives in addition to primary ones (like one sub-objective can boost rate of super energy by 30%, another can act as a spawn point, etc). - Duel challenge option in patrol.

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  • This idea for clan social spaces (but with more types of ships other than ketches) [quote]I just had idea to make clans more fun and wanted to see if people think it is a good idea. My idea is that each clan gets a social space called "(Clans name)'s Ketch". This location will be an abandoned ketch deep in space which will feature: A kiosk which shows all clan mates. A post master , vault and bounty board. A kiosk which will show clan messages and announcements The ketch will have rooms like the throne room and the hanger bay. Players will only be able to go to their clans ketch and will only be able to go to others if they are invited. Another idea I had as well was that each clan could make a clan emblem using an emblem maker on and that emblem will be on banners through out the ketch. Furthermore I had the idea of Clans having reputation. You would gain rep by completing crucible, strikes and raids with clan mates. You would also get special weekly clan bounty's which would give even more reputation. Examples: [spoiler]normal clan bounties: bounties which work just like normal bounties. 2 of these bounties will be available each week:Get 50 kills in crucible with at least 2 clan mates on your fireteam.Complete a nightfall with clanmates.Complete a raid with clanmates.Complete 3 weekly heroic strikes with clanmates.Win 5 elimination matches with clanmates.Complete 3 Daliys with clanmates.Special bounties: bounties which every1 in the clan must work towards completing. You get 1 of these bounties each week:Decrypt 100 engrams.Complete 100 bounties.Win 50 crucible matches.Earn 1000 legendary marks.Complete 75 strikes. [/spoiler] Levelling up your clans faction will give you packages which will give u stuff like weapon parts, heavy ammo , materials , strange coins and you could sometimes get spark of lights, mouldering shards , glass needles and even unique shaders and emblems. ( the clan bounties and Rep metre will also feature the clans emblem on them) Another idea is to add clan ranks. At the moment the only clan positions are member , admin and founder, I want clans to have lots of ranks and you can decide what the ranks are called. Example: [spoiler]Fallen themed clan:Founder: kellCo founder: archeonAdmins: baronsRank 3: captainsRank 2: vandalsRank 1: dreg[/spoiler] Tell me if you think any of this is a good idea? Comment below any suggestions or improvements. The reason I thought of this is because COD clan have tournaments and gear and halo clans have Spartan company's and forge but destiny clans have barely anything at the moment. (Apologies for any spelling mistakes as I'm doing this on my phone) Edit: added more clan bounties ideas and rank up rewards. Edit: added rank idea and fixed some grammar Edit: more grammar fixes Edit: I want see if we could try and get more clan features added to Cozmo's community wish list. Thanks you everyone for your replies. This is the first time I've posted an idea on and I was worried that people wouldn't like my idea as I often struggle to translate my ideas into paper (my phone in this case)[/quote]

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