Tittle says it all
*Edit spell error was on mobile and all these butt hurt xurners think being grammar [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] make me cool
I got lucky and recieved it from an exotic engram if that's what you mean.
Who cares, it's mediocre.
You "earned it" 3 of coins doesn't count as earning bud
Sign here is these posts equal an instant mute.
Sign here if you sit on dildos and twist
Please go back under ur bridge.
Earned every single strange coin
I earned mine buy saving coins. I assume you earned yours by either random engrams drop or farming three of coins. Either way, both are legitimate ways to get rewards. Idiots who think rng drops are the "only" earned type of reward are proving themselves to be idiots. Good luck.
This gun is nothing special lmfao who cares if xur sold it lol
i did I EARNED my strange coins and bought my ZHALOS
Edited by Xerxes: 10/30/2015 12:02:22 PMGross another anti "xurner" page.
Exotic chest in the Normal Kings Fall raid. My Supercell was dropped at 310 light.
Sign here if OP can suck your balls.
Getting an exotic on a drop is the opposite of earning. You are just playing destiny, and it falls out of an enemy. Grinding for coins and buying from xur is as close to "earning" as you can get in a video game. You dillholes that make these "earn" post have it backwards.
You're an idiot. I earned the 15 Monte Carlos that came from exotic engrams but you must be better at the game because your RNG popped a winning number? It's possible you need to rethink your life and the things that validate it.
"I earned it RANDOMLY" Good one you moronic oaf.
Got mine first day from engram - wouldn't say I earned it. You've been muted thanks!
Got it 310 from the nightfall
Sign here if you agree that Zhalo Supercell isn't worth the exotic slot.
This bs has been going on for all of destiny, nobody cares if you are lucky and had the gun drop, it makes you no different then the people who grinded out strikes and Poe's to get strange coins and bought it from xur.
No one earns anything unless it's out of a quest
People srill do this?
Sign got it in nightfall! Xur is a b**ch selling zhalo
Earned from a 3 of coin....from strange coins? Don't see that as "earning" at all