This is not a good enough reason to reduce the number of parts we get. It's like reducing worldwide food production because a few have too much food, while some are starving. Stupid.
[quote]further adjustments [i]may[/i] be in order?[/quote]
This is not a matter of [i]if[/i] adjustments are in order, it is a matter of [b]adjustments are needed[/b]. No one thought they had too many parts and wanted to have less.
Bump until Bungie clearly get the message.
Edit: We're trending, gw people. Keep up the bumping. Make your own post on the issue. Whatever we have to do to make sure that every time a Bungie employee checks the forums, the first thing they lay their eyes on is a "weapons parts issue" post.
I have roughly around 46 days of playtime, and scrounge for weapon parts on a daily basis. I had about 2000 when TTK hit. I used about half to level DO up and saved the rest thinking that would be plenty. Which it should be! I have weapons fully upgraded but no parts to do so. I even usually end up dismantling exotics waiting on parts for their parts to use on other weapons, since I can buy back the exotic later. The elemental materials that people bitched about farming in the beginning was nothing compared to this. Bungie has to change it or at least make the same options available across the board for ALL materials.