Title says it all. Good day guardians.
Holding on to supers, drives me nuts hole runs never used meanwhile me and brother defender Titans bubbles for days super every 2mins or your third pizza is free. Please for the love of the traveller if you love orbs and know how to use a super well, we play 3-9pm eastern Xbox One could use a rock solid third I just want supers used it hurts my soul when people don't know what the shoulder buttons do.
Grinding gears
the people on these forums that do nothing but complain, and then try to say they're "not complaining"...oh, and the "i'm leaving" posters. Drive me fuk'n crazy.
Quagmire checking out my wife all the time.
Improper use of the clutch.
Shotgun users, t bagging
Waiting for the Mars warsat.....still....waiting....
Not having a john cena emote
Improper alignment.
Getting hate for using Bubble in mayhem. It's like people actually target just me It's not my fault my bubble helps me when I have weapons activated
Nothing like a few squeakers to ruin a good strike
When I get hate from noobs for using party crasher
The salty hate sustains him!
Nerf crying eliteists people defending shadow shot glitch
All the butthurts thinking they have an opinion.
Nerf cries, and Elitists.
The fact I can't rub out a few knuckle children in the privacy of my neighbors living room cause I don't have a DVD player.
Other gears...and cogs...
When people try so hard to summon you
A female Hunter grinding on my exotic gear
A non-synchroneous transmission
When my butt gets all hurt.
when my phone battery goes from 40 to 25 at school and im like wtf is happening pls nerf battery loss
Public transportation not adhering to the posted schedules.
When you live in NYC and you get on the bus and there's that one person that doesn't move to the back and holds up everyone else. When you get on a crowded bus and that one kid is taking up a seat with his bookbag.