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10/18/2015 4:37:08 AM

So Our Friend Was Getting Bullied On-stream...

No video, but earlier today I was running the raid with a good group of friends. Everything was cool until we got to The Daughters. We ran through it really smoothly despite the problem. Here was the problem: one of my friends decided to stream it. And he had about 70 something people watching it at the time. Now here's the big kicker, his voice sounds like a 12 year old amped on sugar, and everyone began making fun of him about it. Some people started telling him that he'd never beat the raid, that he's trash and he should go back to bed, and pretty much any bad insult you could imagine. This made a lot of us angry. Our fireteam leader (name withheld in case of moderator attacks) started encouraging him. He kept him in the zone, made sure he ignored those guys and that he was calm. Now, here's one thing to consider: he's autistic. So he isn't very good in these situations. And no one in the chat knew that and they just kept being overall (pardon my language) dicks. And whenever he got worked up, he got really emotional and overreacted about every little thing. (Not in the angry kind of way, but in the more [b][i]fearing[/i][/b] scheme of things). We made him turn off the stream, and just kept going. But for that time, he didn't break, and he did fine. He calmed down, and he didn't give up. We never beat oryx, but we plan to kick him in the rear tomorrow. [b]TL;DR[/b] Our autistic friend was getting cyberbullied on stream, and we helped him through it.[spoiler]Please don't leave any hateful comments. Thanks in advance.[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Commiit: 10/18/2015 11:35:22 PM

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  • I hate when shit like that happens. I hate it. It's so rude & disrespectful. It's good that you guys tried to keep him focus. Doesn't matter if the stream didn't know, it wasn't right to act like that towards him regardless.

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  • Make sure to post when you kick Oryx's face in.

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    Why did you let him stream if you knew this would be an outcome? This was just a mess waiting to happen. Use your logical side of your brain and maybe you will own up to what happen, and stop whining on the forums (which will do nothing). Also, learn how to use a colon.

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    3 Replies
    • That was actually really nice of you guys/girls to do!! Especially keeping him in the zone. Don't pay attention to haters man!! Live yah life!! Live it well.

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    • if you can't stand the heat, please stay the fk out the kitchen, thank you..

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    • So a 14 year old decides to stream a part of the raid that he's never beaten to random people? Also he got about 70 people watching him play and this is his first time streaming? Sorry but I call bullshit. If he doesn't want to get picked on for having a squeaky voice then don't stream. No need for this dumb ass thread and made up numbers. If you aren't gonna make streaming a full time job or don't have thick skin don't stream.

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    • If you want to stream it's just something to get used to, lots of people are dicks when they're hiding behind a screen talking tough or insulting people. Ignore/mute them and move on, there's plenty of those, but also plenty of good people as well, you just need to expect both.

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    • I believe when you stream you can turn off chat. Keep it on until someone shows they shouldn't have that on. If your friend has the stream running through a computer then there are more options. Not everyone has the capture card and all the equipment to run it that way but if he enjoys streaming he may want to look into it.

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    • I'm sorry this happened to him but he shouldn't be streaming. If you can't take negative comments whether they are tame or harsh, you shouldn't be streaming. The internet is filled with trolls and millions of people who don't care who you are or what kind of person you are, they just want to piss you off.

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    • If you can't handle the world, don't be a part of it

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      3 Replies
      • Its sad how people treat others in this generation. If he was in my fireteam we would do the same thing u did.

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      • This is retarded. Stop streaming then. You can literally turn off the bullying. No sympathy

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      • Some people are just plain nasty and i hope they all get what they deserve. Hope you and your friend have all the luck in the world and kick oryx ass. Keep fighting the good fight guardian

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      • Edited by StormiDutch: 10/18/2015 10:23:30 PM
        1. It's a game 2. He is not even legally allowed to play the game 3. It isn't personal, gamers in general don't like squeekers most of the time. 4. Streamers can easily ban/mute bullies 5. 70 viewers for someone that's streaming like the first time sounds really made up ^^ 6. If you want to be a streamer then you should be able to take care of bullies and not get offended by them.

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        4 Replies
        • -blam!- your streaming, had a guy start that shit, was more focused on his stupid -blam!-ing recording than the raid, wound up spending WAY more time on Golgoroth because of him worried about his stupid cpu and recording, i hope your friend burns in hell and loses all his viewers

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          • Edited by SenatorNickel78: 10/18/2015 10:16:54 PM
            Bro that stinks. Tell him a guy named SenatorNickel78 wanted to tell him that he was strong in that situation and that he puts oryx where he belongs.

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            This is just more sob story click bait bullshit. The fact that the kid was autistic has nothing to do with how he handled it. If you're 12 years of age and streaming, you should expect to be harrassed. He could have easily ignored the chat or stopped streaming if he was so offended.

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          • Although they didn't know he was autistic, that's far from the point. Sorry he had to go through that. Doesn't matter if you're autistic or not you shouldn't get bullied. -blam!- that "everyones over-sensitive" bullshit. A lot of us are desensitized to most things that would make others cringe, but that doesn't mean we can treat other people disrespectfully.

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          • It truly is a sad world we live in. Anonymity makes these people feel huge as they bring someone down from behind their screens facing no personal repercussion on their person as they insult and bring forth their own insecurities. I'm sorry your friend had to deal with this but don't expect random fools over Internet to react positively to someone's disability, tone, or looks. No mater how you look, speak, or act someone will come from the under the bridge to do their best troll impression. Just remember these people are sad and your friend is a wonderful person putting their love for the game out there. Stay up.

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          • Sorry for your friend. People like to be mean on the Internet because there are no consequences for them. Well, they suck! Good luck kicking Oryx's butt :)

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          • There are a lot of dicks that play this game. It's nice to see you guys work through that and ignore them. You have to realize a lot of these guys are going nowhere in life and try to draw others into their misery

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          • I really wish people would stop being offended by every damn little thing, it's truly annoying.

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            19 Replies
            • If you need help beating oryx add me on xbone

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            • People suck man. Sorry that happened to your friend. People on the internet always say shitty things because their are no repercussions. Easy to run your mouth when nobody can do anything huh? Those are usually the people who mind their tongue and don't talk to people in real life because they only have nasty things to say and are afraid of what could happen. Keep playing and good luck with Oryx friend.

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            • Is your friend on ps4? If so tell him to add me: zebra862

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