I love it
You weren't here for year 1 were you?
I main hunter, don't mind titans, hate warlocks.
Face it...warlocks are simply better people. Ha!
Sure they do. Just saw someone complaining they were out of popcorn watching the Hunter/Titan drama.
I'm going to start complaining about Landfall just to keep it balanced.
cuz warlocks dont bitch its just the titans to be honest lol look how bad they are bitching over the shadowshot ... then they was bitching about the hammer and say it was hunters doing it but i didnt see but maybe 2 posts for hunters about the hammer glitch
I guess you weren't here in year 1. Many complained about Fireborn and how it was an unfair ability in PVP. Many complained about how flame shield and Radiance provided to much armour. Many complained about Novabomb being too OP. Many complained about Blink. Many complained about how a Sunsinger with Radiance wearing The Ram could survive almost everything in the Crucible.
Is this Stormcaller era or Sunsinger era?
Master race
There were complaints lastyear, but as of this year, the Warlocks new subclass isnt broken, it dosent need a nerf, although i think they should have been givin the Titans striker grenades instead of arcbolt since they NERFED it!
No sense in complaining about the least effective class. Nothing broken and nothing special, just there, doing stuff. They're not bad, but also not really worth thinking about.
I've noticed that ever since I started playing Destiny
I'm guessing you weren't here last year.
Edited by DaysOfRage: 10/16/2015 2:34:27 PMEver heard of the exotic ram helmet? Google it.
We are using space magic to control the rest.
Edited by UntilAlive: 10/16/2015 2:32:49 PMthere's nothing wrong with warlocks they're about the most balanced of all 3 classes. (coming from a hunter main)
They'll get their glitch soon enough
Because they've been nerfed to perfection.
Don't pretend it won't happen eventually.