I love it
Except in trials.
Edited by zbones: 10/16/2015 6:13:51 PMWarlocks are the peaceful class (the best class, might I add). They care about their knowledge and kicking alien ass.
Warlocks don't whine as much ass hunters
Well they're easily the *best* class in the game. They have amazing grenades, melee attacks, AND supers.
That is not how things used to be, my son. There was much hate in olden times. Melee range and the over shield from hitting (killing not necessary) with the sunsinger melee were both topics of much debate. Seeker grenades from the void walker was another despised attribute. And then the self rez hate - people claiming sunsingers suck in raids because they rely on their super as a crutch, and hold it until death.
Wait until Bungie program a glitch into one of their weapons. ;)
I complain that the Tlaloc shits all over my Fabian Strategy
It's all about the mind set of the players. Hunters have to play heads and very aggressive to make there character work. This makes for a aggressive very moody player Titians want to play like hunters and use striker all the time but hunters and locks make them use the bubble all the time so they get all salty Locks because of our self res we can play how ever we want heads up or 5 sec behind. We can take our time this makes for a happy player
I main a hunter and there are things not balanced about us but I agree that warlocks are a well balanced class
My only complaint is that there isn't a year two nothing manacles.
Edited by FantasticMrFox: 10/16/2015 4:42:11 PMThe new stormcaller is very well balanced. Super can be great, but you can be killed fairly quickly with head shots, and range isn't amazing. Storm grenade is fun.
Edited by Master Rahool: 10/16/2015 4:29:16 PMWarlocks are a peaceful balanced class that does not complain and just want to enjoy the game for what it is, not what is wrong with it. :)
They were in year one... So much self res hate lol
Balance my a$$. They didn't need to complain because warlocks were the crutch class of year 1
Year 1 was all about warlock and hunters gong at it. A little memory jog. Radiant skin plus ram helmet Self res in trials the range of firebolt pre nerf
They're not complained about (not to much there's nerf calls on Stormcaller) because they're not the main problem atm.
Because they are actually very well balanced.
Because their jump sucks
Don't you remember trials? You bet they were. Once Sunbreaker gets nerfed be ready for almost every titan throwing a fit about Stormcallers.
Never played during HoW did you?..
Because everyone loves dat warlock booty.
When the others are addressed they will find something for us.
Warlock Master Race
That's because it manages to be the best class, while being the most balanced of all 3, respect to the warlock community as well for not being crying little children