With the new arguments going around about supers, each class has become significantly more active in the forums. Have Titans become the biggest douche for protecting their super and calling it a balanced super? Or are hunters the biggest douche for calling sunbreakers OP? Are warlocks douches for not jumping in to help either class?
Edit 1: So far everyone who commented are saying that hunters are douches, however based on the poll it looks like the Titans are the biggest douches.
Edit 2: I guess warlocks and hunters are gaining up on Titans.
Edit 3: After 10 hours Titans are apparently the douches for right now. Maybe it will change by tomorrow.
Edit 4: I realize that some of you think that there should be an "All" option, sorry to inform you but I didn't think about it at the time. Comment "All" if everyone's a douche.
Thank you too Sky for bringing the warlock only popcorn!
Is there any Titans/Hunters who have class exclusive popcorn they can share?
Thank you too DeathintheMine for bringing the hunter popcorn, he's also sharing some to the other classes.
Not Real Beef has brought his snack shack, his food prices are reasonable and are healthy cause there isn't any salt in them.
HOLY CRAP! I came back from school to see I got more than 250+ replies. Keep it up!
400+ Replies!!!!
Woke up to 720 Replies guy!!!
Ok guys we are at 850+ Replies, I think we can hit 1,000 by the end of Saturday!!
Play all three class and use the advantages of each to my benefit. Don't see any reason to whine about a certain class when it is easy to figure out how to counter anything the other class can do. Also too many people only look at one side of things. Get killed in crucible by hammers?, cry for a nerf without thinking how it would effect the PvE side of things. The same goes for PvE players crying about exotic quests forcing us into the crucible. It isn't easy balancing things for one without messing it up for the other.