I'm being a jerk, but go ahead and quit if you cant take it. The titan finally has a versatile super tgat can be used while he's moving around the landscape! The fact that you're not happy that the supers are balanced is pretty silly in my opinion. All of the subclasses are on equal ground. Get used to it.
Get used to not reading what people have to say. If you read the last 4 sentences of the original post, you'd understand.
"Im dying all the time"? "Bungie nerf sunbreaker or i quit"? Im not seeing a broken subclass from what your writing.
The last 4 sentences. It's about the exotic warlock gauntlets called sunbreakers
Seriously though, as a person who mained a titan, i was ecstatic when i saw i could move around and use a super at the same time. If bungie listens to people who arent used to a titan killing them in such a way, our subclass will be nerfed into something worthless that doesn't even compare to what it was before. Soon people will say that it should take two hammers to kill a guardian. Im not trying to start a heated argument. I'm just trying to protect my class.
Use the subreakers then. Fight titans at equal standing.