I had a sunbreaker take out practically my entire squad while playing Rift with one super and when I use arc blade I can only take out 3 maybe 4 guys max if they stand close enough. On top of that his overshield gets a recharge with each kill??? Sorry but that's bullshit. If you guys aren't going to nerf it at least balance the team match up so we don't have 5 HUNTERS AND 1 WARLOCK ON ONE TEAM!!!....absurd. Microtransactions are a waste of time. Work on your main product first....still having ogres teleport on Oryyx too
Ok apparently people are missing the point I'm trying to make. If a sunbreaker can practically take out an entire 6 man team in one super then its obviously more OP than blade dancer. The duration is longer without a perk boost compared to the Hunter requiring Encore to extend the super and ontop of that the sol hammer is a RANGED attack versus the blade dancer needing to get close to actually do damage. Reducing the super timer for sunbreaker would balance the playing field