I had a sunbreaker take out practically my entire squad while playing Rift with one super and when I use arc blade I can only take out 3 maybe 4 guys max if they stand close enough. On top of that his overshield gets a recharge with each kill??? Sorry but that's bullshit. If you guys aren't going to nerf it at least balance the team match up so we don't have 5 HUNTERS AND 1 WARLOCK ON ONE TEAM!!!....absurd. Microtransactions are a waste of time. Work on your main product first....still having ogres teleport on Oryyx too
What's up with the sunbreaker chaining ability in crucible? Some players are getting what seems like endless sunbreakers. Five times for one player in a skirmish match is a little much. How about a longer reset time? Or, make them take damage more easily, I put a rocket in a sunbreakers face and it did no damage. that's just wrong. Being a hunter is hard enough with out all the over-powered, space-magic bullshit. Get to nerfing, Bungie.