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originally posted in: A New Home RP Reborn [open]
10/12/2015 10:12:13 PM
[b]Communications throughout the systems go static as well as vid comms. Everything goes black, then a voice is heard[/b] My name is Commander Bellerophon I am the leader of the Knights Hades, we created the cult which crippled your military and lured your infamous leader Mandalore into our trap. [b]visuals come onto the screen and a beaten and bloodied Mandalore is seen shackled to the floor[/b] Here is your leader, broken as is the crew of his beloved Alamo. This man may have saved humanity as we know it by finding out race a new home but now it is time for someone to lead us into a new age and that means the current regime must fall just as Rome Fell in ancient times. That fall will begin with the death of one man. [b] several soldiers enter the room and Bellerophon steps beside Mandalore and puts Mandalore's own ancient 1911 pistol to his head. Mandalore raises his head and looks into the camera [/b] Mandalore: "remember the Alamo." [b]The camera angle raises and a gunshot is heard as blood splatters the wall[/b] Bellerophon: "as you're leader used to say, until we meet again."

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