Yes I know you can use your secondary and heavy but.. Try running around with a shotgun as a Titan, see how far that gets you. Plus every death sets you back 1%.
Call me a scrub I don't care, I play destiny for PvE not PvP
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ haters gonna hate.
edit: not really gonna boost, just said it for bait.
But seriously the last word is about as useful as full blown AIDS
Edit 2: Wow almost 700 comments! Thank you to all of those who are giving kind words of encouragement and positive feedback. Even you guys that tell me to "get good"!
Edit 3: I DID IT!!! FINALLY. I went into classic 6v6 played defensively, used the new arms day fusion rifle (it's a beast). And I cleared their whole team with my hammers twice!! Thank you to all of those encouraging people, without y'all this wouldn't have been possible.
Shouts out to: [b]mikeyhaugzz[/b] for being awesome
Hmm tlw is not what it used to be...True I guess it was easy for me because i use a lot of HC'S. Rumble is just as hard if your not uses to it, it might help if you try use TLW only in cqc maps like burning shrine. If your playing a larger map where snipers rule, it gets alot harder. Also consider secondary weapons that allow you to finish up kills, i sometimes use side arms for that last shot rather than missing my last 4 TLW shots. Its funny how often i can hit 2 head shots and then miss the whole rest of my clip lol. Lastly maybe your in a funk, so it is easy to go from doing ok... too a downward spiral where you end up with less % than you started with, its maddening. Just try to have fun and not take it to seriously, because it just adds alot of pressure and can effect your gameplay. Good luck bro!