Yes I know you can use your secondary and heavy but.. Try running around with a shotgun as a Titan, see how far that gets you. Plus every death sets you back 1%.
Call me a scrub I don't care, I play destiny for PvE not PvP
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ haters gonna hate.
edit: not really gonna boost, just said it for bait.
But seriously the last word is about as useful as full blown AIDS
Edit 2: Wow almost 700 comments! Thank you to all of those who are giving kind words of encouragement and positive feedback. Even you guys that tell me to "get good"!
Edit 3: I DID IT!!! FINALLY. I went into classic 6v6 played defensively, used the new arms day fusion rifle (it's a beast). And I cleared their whole team with my hammers twice!! Thank you to all of those encouraging people, without y'all this wouldn't have been possible.
Shouts out to: [b]mikeyhaugzz[/b] for being awesome
I'm terrible at pvp. But I wanted the gun for the exotic. Still getting used to the weapon. Took almost 6 hrs to complete from start to waiting for reset this past Saturday. Plenty of F bombs rolled off my lips. If you want it bad enough you'll get it.
did it in 3 matchs. Not impossible you need to GIT GUD SCRUB.
It took me maybe 10 or so games but it was very doable even for a mediocre Crucible player. It was kind of like the original Invective bounty times 4. If you could do Invective you can do this. Honestly the Shield Brothers at 290 is much more of a PITA.
Question for all the guys who did the quest. How does the percentages work? I was at 28 percent, I won 2 matches straight with a k/d above 1.3 both times. Then the percentage dropped to 9 percent. Last Word was equipped the entire time.
Reminded me of thorn bounty, in a way. Was a challenge but easy to overcome as long as you try.
I did that quest in 3 days
My chaperone says otherwise
It's not that hard I'm using it right now. It kicks butt.
Yep, impossible. Cause Me, and many others totally don't have it
I am quite possibly the worst person in PVP, all I did was get a full fire team and run into rumble and snipe from afar, I went from 34% to done in like four matches :P
It's not that hard. I'm not the best at PvP and I have it.
Dude just go into old school crucible, equip last word only when u get heavy and super( not bubble)
I got it done and I despise and using TLW. Hang back and play safe with super, special and heavy.
I got mine...and I'm mediocre at best in pvp....
I did it and i suck at pvp. Did took me awhile but i did it. If you start to do bad in a match just switch weapons and try again in the next match. You can do it.
I beat it and i suck at crucible. Play rift and hang out by your rift. Also try getting a matador or party crasher.
No dude just wait till you have your super and heavy THEN equip TLW. Once you have gotten your kills then immediately unequip TLW so you don't loose progress.
I did it in two games, it's not hard.
Scrub. It's pathetic that you can't do your own bounty, put some effort and time into, that's all it takes
I am a Titan and I did it with a Shotty equipped. Keep at. Not going to lie, it was one of the most frusterating PvP expierences I've had.
Sign here if OP is bad and doesn't deserve chaperone.
I did it in about 30 minutes
I think you are just bad. I have it and it took me two games. #scrub
I got it week one on my Titan, so I'm not sure what titans have to do with anything. Also, and I am 100% serious, not trolling, are you using hipfire? The accuracy was MAJORLY buffed, and the damage bonus is well worth the trade off. I am sorry you havn't gotten the chapparone yet. It is really fun, but you need a headshot to OHK in crucible.
If you're bad
Easiest way I found was mayhem but if you really can't wait ask friends if you can kill them in rumble but I did it with mayhem and I'm hella average