Yes I know you can use your secondary and heavy but.. Try running around with a shotgun as a Titan, see how far that gets you. Plus every death sets you back 1%.
Call me a scrub I don't care, I play destiny for PvE not PvP
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ haters gonna hate.
edit: not really gonna boost, just said it for bait.
But seriously the last word is about as useful as full blown AIDS
Edit 2: Wow almost 700 comments! Thank you to all of those who are giving kind words of encouragement and positive feedback. Even you guys that tell me to "get good"!
Edit 3: I DID IT!!! FINALLY. I went into classic 6v6 played defensively, used the new arms day fusion rifle (it's a beast). And I cleared their whole team with my hammers twice!! Thank you to all of those encouraging people, without y'all this wouldn't have been possible.
Shouts out to: [b]mikeyhaugzz[/b] for being awesome
I like never used TLW before 2.0, then got the Chaperone bounty, and absolutely loved TLW. Either way, I did it in five games. Got the Chaperone on the first Tuesday. Impossible?
Behold the field in which I grow my -blam!-s Lay thine eyes upon it and thou shalt see it is barren
Then why do I see so many Chaperones? The correct wording is the Chaperone bounty is difficult.
Edited by Average: 10/8/2015 3:45:52 AMi got it done in literally about 2 full skirmish matches. gotta be some kinda record. went on a 20 kill streak in the first game, and started the second with around 17 kill streak. couldn't believe how fast it wen after hearing all the horror stories. but i was also married to tlw prior to the weapon unbalance that took place a few weeks ago
AIDS are useful
If it's impossible then how do so many people have it hmmmm? [spoiler]Boosting is for fgts [/spoiler]
Why post lel
Haters will hate, scrubs will be scrubs :) Guess which one you are
git gud
Hey pal , I have some advice for you . Start the game with whatever gun you like using and play , we all know how horrendous the matchmaking can be so if you finally see a game where things are going good and your going to win , equip it right before your about to win , that will net you about 4% . Now I'm no crucible god but my k/d is slightly above average so I would basically do the same thing but let's say two kills before I was about to hit a relentless , or other kill streak I would equip the last word , get a couple sniper kills , pop a super get another 2 then switch back to my other primary . I finally decided to focus on the quest yesterday and got the whole thing done is less than an hour and a half. Just waiting for reset now . It's very doable , I have faith in you
I just completed the bounty by I have to wait for the next reset.
Just don't use tlw wait for super and heavy go on killstreak unequip tlw
Got it. Dude, head shoots get more points. It's not hard. DO IT!
I did it when Mayhem Clash was available, made it so easy
This kid complaining about doing it on Titan? Really? Im gonna do it in under 7 matches as a striker when I get my Titan to 40. It's too easy if anything. Should be a much better sepsis and be much harder to get.
Go to Mayhem Only pull out TLW during mid to close range maps. Profit. Took about 4 and a 1/2 matches for the 1st part of the quest
Did it in 5 games
S c r u b l a w d
I can't believe I'm seeing a lot of people having trouble with this quest
You'll get it buddy. I couldn't get passed 10% for the first two days and then in one game I went from 8% to completion in a game of rift
Im pretty good with my raid shotty. Also I main a titan :)
I'm at 80%....don't ask me how I did it but I did. Mayhem clash did help a bit tho
Its kim possible
TLW is still one of the top tier guns... Source: did it in 2 games
You will get it in 5-6 games if you play on the defense. Playing aggro gets you nowhere,
Im average below a 1.0 in k/d, and i got the chaperone. Its not impossible. Nothing is [i]impossible[/i], the word itself is [b]i'm possible[/b]. :)