Hello Guardians,
AJLANGER5 coming at you with a new thread post.
I had not been able to find a PS4 specific forum for nightfall so here it is.
If you want to have an easier time finding other players each week feel free to click that STAR and favorite this thread.
Need 1 add Axelrules215
looking for nightfall team. i have a warlock at 295. add thelooser3
Need 1 add David_T1983
296 hunter need 2 for nightfall. Add and join solidtate47. Already started
Need 2 for nightfall add me and join
Started nightfall add Shadow_AOTP and join if intrested
Need 2 fr nightfall 298 plus
Need a 295+ for nightfall. Psn is chitothegreat1
Need 5 experienced for oryx cp add snapbrogman
Need one for nightfall must have mic
Need 1more person for nighttfall same psn add and join
Need 3 for deathsingers cp
Need 1 for nf already started add and join
Need 3 for deathsingers cp.
296 Hunter for Nf psn narfard
Need two for NF at brothers pan NO-BOUNDARIES-27
Running nf on 3 characters, add me if interested and join
293 hunter lf night fall
Join 2 more 300+ sniper 300+ message King FPS
Need 2 for nightfall join in
need 2 for night fall add: BootStrap757
1 for nightfall, add Sir_jimmybear
Need 1 for nightfall add Roetter420
Need 2 for nf add billygoat619
Lvl 295 titan nightfall add nafarx
Half way through nf. Must be over 290 light. Add me and join. Same as above