Pocket Infinity. The dark age relics, the similar aesthetics to the Sleeper Simulant, and the item description.
But that's to obvious right? Maybe not.
One of our CM's, Cozmo, has it equipped right now. But why would he have it equipped? It is still at year one damage levels, and mostly unupgraded. Could this be a hint? Is Cozmo finding the Sleeper Simulant right now?!
The item description, Deej's reference, and Cosmo having a near useless item on his main character all seam to point to Pocket Infinity having [i]something[/i] to do with the Sleeper Simulant.
But what?
Just because it isn't a y2 weapon and some people can only get it from legacy engrams doesn't mean it isn't required for the sleeper. They said you cannot get it alone. Meaning a player that has the PI can help a player that doesn't have the PI. You don't raid alone. You don't do strikes alone. It can very well mean you cannot get sleeper alone. Think a bit