striker, panic crutch
Defender Bubble crutch
Hammer, one hit hammer health regen crutch
heey hey hey. That Health Regen has saved me more times than I can count in PvE
Nova panic crutch Self rez crutch Storm caller kill everything around crutch Bladedance team whipe crutch Golden gun "I normally couldn't outshoot you crutch" Bow ill let you guys do the killing for me crutch
If you can't kill a blade dancer you deserve it
This is a great example of why people don't take the "nerf hammer" posts seriously. I mean you're complaining about the god damn bubble. THE BUBBLE! The worst super in crucible by far. It's very very very clear that people who are complaining have no idea what they're talking about.
yeah its a pretty bad super in control, I think not lets hide in a frikken bubble and slap people, its very clear people would only defend the character they main, yeah I have two warlocks and a titan, you have two titans it would be apparent in the ones we defend, the titan supers are more crutch then the others. 9 times out of 10 I forget I even have a super to frikken use, why cause this is a first person shooter, those that use the super as soon as they get it rely on their crutches.
I always used to get tons of kills in my bubble because people seem to think they can challenge me in my bubble with armor of light with my shotgun. I once had 3 people all rush in at once and shoot primaries. I just punched them all.
Edited by Brokkr: 10/3/2015 10:03:13 PMThat second titan was made like a week ago. Once I get the raid helmet my warlock is coming back, I still have all his gear in the vault. Anyways my point still stands.
well your free to your opinion, mine is that the titans health regen needs to be stripped of its skill tree.
All supers are a crutch. Bravo