This is a pretty cool post. But I already own the ttk on ps4, but sadly all my ps4 friends abandoned destiny when the dark below came out. The other half that play are on the xbox one and I don't have a copy of destiny to play with them. If you're still giving people ttk I would appreciate it deeply if I got a copy for the one. [b]But don't worry about me[/b]. Other guardians haven't experienced ttk yet and they should be the ones to get these codes for it
Thank you for helping the community
Thank you for acknowledging that some people can't afford it. I've been extremely bored since the taken king came out and I'm actually kind of hopeful I win this because I can't afford it on my own. In my state I'm not of age to get a job. And my mom spoils the absolute shit out of my sister. My sister gets $400 a month. I get bored easily playing destiny.