Warlocks laughing maniacally in the back ground... It is all going according to plan the hunters are now fighting the Titans, soon we will regain master class...
*Hunters smile maniacally in the shadows* "Yes, yes, let them activate their supers, we can shut them down with gg or ss..."
A Titan standing even farther in the background chuckles under his breath... Ha, you cannot regain what you never had in the first place... [spoiler]#TitanMasterRace[/spoiler]
Lol. Warlocks were always master race.
K wait, let's be real here. We all know that the real master race is the Cryptarchy. They rake in engrams everyday and all they have to do is decrypt a legendary into a rare.... [spoiler]#TheAnswerWasRightInfrontofUstheWholeTime[/spoiler]