Hey guys I've often found myself and others looking for challenge mode checkpoints in the raid
So I decided to make a topic for everyone to share there's in .
Leave what checkpoint you have down below and your gamer tag .
Leave you class and light level also so people may invite you.
Don't forget to favorite ,and comment on this topic so more people will post their checkpoints here for an easiar find.
Need 3 for deathsinger CP must have light level above 290 and know what your doing message stretch Xb
298 hunter & 299 warlock with xp looking for warpriest cp
2 290+ warlocks looking for team that has golgoroth cp message: Matt LCFW
At totems need 2 GT: vtx illusions
I'm a 296 Titan I have good weapons need a team for the Kings raid my first time running it so may need a Little instructions but lots of destiny time played over 2000 hours so should be fine invite if you need a extra guy my gamer tags the same as the name above ^^^^not a noob lol
Need 1 more player at Golgoroth CP send me a message for invite
Need 1 for fresh run 290+. Message gamertag
Looking for golgoroth checkpoint, invite me gt same as above titan 293
Need 4 for warpriest co message for invite
Need 5 for war priest message lilchris2001 for an invite must be 285+ light
295 warlock Looking good team at oryx cp 300 sniper Gt stickurface23
need 5 for Oryx CP 290+ GT Zerkness
295 warlock Looking good team at oryx cp 300 sniper Gt stickurface23
Hunter 295 looking for fresh run invite me Gt purpleisback23
We're at the war priest. We need one more. GT is the same as above
Need 1 for raid, cp at warpriest, gtag same as above
At Oryx CP. Need 5 296+ players to finish him quick. MUST have beaten him before. Must have MIC. Xbox message Aleanderxoo for invite.
Need 3 people with light 295 or above for the sisters checkpoint don't be a scrub and know what you are doing message Ibgoosen for invite[/quote]
Need 3 people with light 295 or above for the sisters checkpoint don't be a scrub and know what you are doing message Ibgoosen for invite[/quote]
Need 1 for raid gtag same as above
need 2 for sisters
Need 2 for daughters cp. Gt same Xbox one
Need 5 for oryx cp must be light 298+ and know what to do and have a good sniper gt same as above
Need 2 for Orxy CP. Must be 290+ and have beaten oryx already. Titans are preferred. Message GT above for INV.
Need 2 for oryx message GT: snuffalo for inv
Have warpriest cp need 4 must have done it before i cannot backpack anymore. I have beaten oryx