If a graph approaches a value we are unable to attain, but simply gets closer and closer to it, can we assume that the graph continues infinitely without touching the graph? By definition, isn't infinity simply something that never ends and continues forever?
You know how they passed the rule banning peaple who didn't want to do Destiny? Do you think I agreed with their decision? [spoiler]lol seriously didn't expect to be bant[/spoiler]
Wait, know that is part of the COC??? That doesn't make any sense at all, so I assume you bought Destiny or something?
Yes, but does that mean I must completely support their decision?
Did I ever say that I think you support their decision? As an avid Destiny player, don't even people like me think it is stupid that people are not allowed to be a part of the forums if they have not been a Bungie fan in the past?
Did you know I haven't played Destiny for several months? What does that little star below your level mean? Is TTK any good? [spoiler]I'll pm you what I said.[/spoiler]
Don't I know now? Doesn't the star represent light level, which has been completely re-hauled since several months ago? Don't I think TTK is a major improvement of Y1? Do you watch DattoDoesDestiny, and if you don't, do you think you could watch his videos to catch up on the mechanics of Y2?
But what about spoilers? Shouldn't I wait to be surprised?
Was I talking about spoiling the content, or was I talking about watching mechanic videos that tell you how the new light level works and how to understand what is going on? If you would like to find all of this out yourself, isn't if fairly easy and interesting to do so, are you one of the people that would rather find everything out by themselves?
Why yes, wouldn't I get a much better feel for the mechanics if I learned them myself? Isn't their a certain satisfaction in self teaching? If you played Mirrors Edge, an example: Remember when you finally perfected that string of moved that allowed you to basically leap across awesome distances?
Don't I understand your method, as I am mostly like that? Wasn't I just offering some help as you seemed confused? Haven't I only watched RoosterTeeth's Rage Quit episode on Mirror's Edge and not actually played it? Can I understand what you mean based on other games with similar moves/skills?
Is their really any games as unique as Mirror's Edge? Are their other first person parkour games I'm missing out on?
Aren't I speaking of games that require skills to be mastered in order to succeed? Aren't many such games strategy games like Halo Wars? [spoiler]Do you like Halo Wars? I know a lot of people are mixed about it.[/spoiler]
Don't most games today reward you just for trying? Your thoughts on this? [spoiler]ive only played halo 2[/spoiler]
I wouldn't say that, there are games that do that, and I don't really like those games, but wouldn't you agree that there are an array of games that are specifically designed to reward success and not attempts? [spoiler]Oh, OK. Too bad you couldn't have played some of those other games in their hay day[/spoiler]
You mean games that reward you for skill and strategy, not just for playing?
Isn't that exactly what I mean?
Should I be able to know?
Shouldn't you now that I have essentially told you?
Why shouldn't I?
Are there any games in particular that you really love to play? What do you play on?
Well, what do you play on? Don't I play on PC and PS4?
Don't I play on PS4 too? What all do you play on PS4?
Isn't my cabinat filled with RPGs and horrer games?
Shouldn't I know since I can see from your closet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ? I haven't really ever gotten into either, I'm more of an fps, strategy, and sandbox guy, what games are your favorite of the ones you own?
Edited by shell: 10/10/2015 5:59:50 PMYou remember me saying TESO, but have you heard of Outlast, Five Nights At Freddy's, or Assassins Creed: Unity? [spoiler]Silly me, assassins creed isn't an RPG. [/spoiler]