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Clan Recruitment

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9/21/2015 10:53:02 PM

Long time raiding core needs solid members to crush Kings Fall.

To whoever is interested, My bro and I are long time end game raiders (15+ years of experience in many games). We generally lead pugs in destiny, but we have decided to form a guild for solid raid progression. We are in need of 290+, Exceptional guardians to join Symphony of War. Knowledge of boss fights and strategy is mandatory. If we as working professionals with social lives have time to read up on the encounters and watch a few videos, so do you. I'm also going to say that we require people 20+ of age.

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  • If you play on ps4, I'd be interested. Im 20+ professional as well. Have high level raiding experience in many games as well. Farmed and lead many hm raids in destiny. I'm looking to complete all content available and do some crucible here and there. I'm very familiar with reading up on strategies and working with a team to create our own. I'm central time and usually play evenings + weekends. Play Hunter main but will have all three classes at 40 at some point in the near future. I mostly play with my brother and another work friend. Both of these guys are skilled players that work well in teams and have positive attitudes. Psn is pocketman_412

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  • 294 Hunter here! looking to Consistently run End Game Activites. My clan has recently taken to only raiding with a set few, and am now looking to run with other experienced fireteams. Am looking for a mature clan, that takes end game activities seriously, but still has fun in the process. GT; sgtserge71 Age; 26 Time: Central Time Console; Xbox ONE Again, not looking for a one time raid run, looking for a consistent group of good people. Have previous Raiding experience primarily from WoW ( at one point was the best hunter on the server)

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  • Looking forward to joining a clan thsts active and play on a daily basis lvl 40 titan with 295 light

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  • 301 hunter day one player. Excellent at pvp unkillable in pve. Can beat any boss without fail. Message AgathaLight

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  • Light level; 300 I just left my clan psn; Nik_b1g88

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    2 Replies
    • Hit me up! psn: Arcdux 40 Titan (291) 28/m/socal

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    • Edited by The-Gaurdian21: 9/22/2015 10:56:07 PM
      Good to know these are out there.

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    • I'll be willing to join Psn: ToastySlayer Light lv 296 warlock Age:22

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    • Edited by Judas, the Betrayer: 9/22/2015 11:49:17 AM
      Hey, thats what i am looking! Psn: FabioDMM93 LIGHT: 290+ Age: 22

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      1 Reply
      • Add me, I'm definitely wanting to destroy some Kings Fall PSN: snowcappin504 290 light nightstalker 23 years of age

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        1 Reply
        • This is exactly what I'm looking for! Please send me any follow on information. Psn GideonJura15 Sunbreaker 293 and I'm 29

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          2 Replies
          • Hey there, I have all 3 classes at 291+ light level and am looking for a serious clan of grown-ups to do the KF raid (know all strats), Eris Bounty and patrol Fallen champion killing stuff. I want to offer help but also expect ppl to help me out with my stuff. I'm in the GMT timezone btw. PSN: ScarScrilla

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            • 1
              I'm 298 light and have run Kings fall twice up to Oryx. I am looking for a serious Raiding clan to run raids weekly. I also have a friend that is 290+ that would like to join a good clan. Psn: Jeregorn

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              1 Reply
              • 27 years old 289 Warlock currently have 34 titan and hunter waiting to level. serious raider, have completed VoG and CE numerous times. Experience with WoW and SWTOR raids also. Have been watching videos of kings fall all week and know the strategy. just looking for a compitent group of adults to knock this out on a consistent basis. Gamertag METHAZINEpro

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              • Hit us up! We're an adult clan. XB1. USA We make a vast diversity and prior service members We do runs, find chests, and weekly raids. Having fun while maintaining a sense of competitive natural Clan: Rendezvous with Death XBL tag: The Zombie EP

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              • What system?

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                1 Reply
                • Maybe we can form an alliance? My cousin and I would be interested in raiding seriously. We are both working professionals as well, but also put time into Destiny. LMK

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