Has anyone else given the Antiquated Rune a shot in the court of oryx? Just got done trying it with 6 others and couldn't even get the bosses health halfway down. Any thoughts?
Edit: got it done with a 3 man team you guys were right it's easy when you get the buff
Did the thing like back to back 4/5 times and it didn't give anything particularly good. It want to hard either (once you have enough guardians). Hoping that there is another rune for me to try that gives better rewards.
easy peasy
293L Hunter LFG to do the Antiquated Rune. I have: -8 Reciprocal -1 Stolen -1 Antiquated GT: Schurkey2010
Does anyone have an antiquated rune that needs help because i don't have one yet but its the only thing I need to do to finish that quest part.... psn ray_group
Buff is huge... Tried one test run...fail...did two more in one ogre Burn the eyes, drop little ogres, smack big daddy, jump up and everyone super'd into next week, i think we dimmed the lights back here there was so much electricity on the stage.
Dude I did 4 of them yesterday and I still have one more to do.. you kill the eyes that give you a buff to damage ogers you kill the regular ogers then work on the major one, you leave it's health absolute then you make sure people are ready then you just kill the major now the wizard you just burn with heavy and suppers a 295 sword with a nightstalker with blood bound really makes work of her .
Edited by GoatBoy2407: 9/21/2015 3:33:37 PMAntiquated runes are easy
Did it without noticing last week. 5-6 randoms all popping rune after rune after rune. Clearing ads and bosses in super-quick time. Cleared the depose the court quest in one sitting. It was like the first week of HOW, loads of guardians hanging about and battering everything that moved. Fun.
Yep it was fun
Did tier 3 four times easily earlier. Except...We had 9 people lol.
Lol did it once with 4 40s all either 280 or 260, then 6 ppl with same light level, first attempt wasn't very good...
Yeah, today, completely by accident. Was going to the court of oryx and saw a group of 5 doing some tier 2 bosses, so I joined in, and after that they put in an antiquated rune. After a couple of tries we did it, 6 of us, all randoms. Got the grimoire card for the tier 3 boss, but my profile is hidden, so if you look there, that is why.
Shoot the eyes first then it gives you ogres fury kills the big ogre and little ogre quick
How do you get the rune? I did all the tier 2s but don't have the rune for tier 3. How do you get it?
Anyone have a suggestion for best spot to charge tier 2 runes? Thanks in advance.
What buff?
Yeah did it with 1 fire team(3 people) kill the ogre then damage witch, shoot the eyes to gain a buff before shooting.
Did it with 2 fireteams last night. Now of course I have a bounty to use stolen runes in the court when I already used all of mine
It took me 1 try in a team of 3
Ive done six of them
Did it with 4 ppl the other night
Did it the other night with 4 others, it was hard for sure but we got it done.
I did it six times with a team of nine. Hide behind the rock in the back and fire away at the ogre then right when he goes down hammer the wizard as much as possible, snipe, shotgun, swords (these work very well). After all that she should go down. Also don't forget to revive. Remember, a bigger team is always better.
I am looking to help someone with an antiquated rune win. I am a hunter 293 with the Zhalo Supercell best Primary Exotic in the game. plz msg me here or @ PSN makkaroni321 I can be on in 3 hours from this post. 9pm PDT or later, just lemme know. Thanks!
Looking to do a rune I'm lv 289 need to complete the quest add me on ps4 "FuhrerChronos" will be on later today
You've gotta get lucky and have both enough people and people that are strong enough