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Edited by DC_Rich: 10/27/2015 7:29:21 PM

The Taken King.... More like The Taken Kontent

Never have I played a game that removed content and put it all behind a paywall. This is a new low in the video game industry, and Activision and Bungie should be ashamed of themselves. I can no longer play the only things I enjoyed in the game, as they were all taken away. I was thinking about buying TTK, but couldn't afford it just yet. So, I figured I would just do weeklies, play control, do some higher level strike playlists, and maybe some Iron Banner when it drops. Well, can't do any of that now. As a result of this under-handed business tactic, I will not be purchasing TTK, as I cannot support developers who treat their customers this way. Now, before your even mention the EULA, know that there are consumer protection laws for some people, that prevent anyone from agreeing to an unfair contract, even if they previously accepted this agreement. And, I believe they are in violation of these LAWS, which the EULA is not. *EDIT: for those interested, I have filed formal complaints with the BBB, as well as the Washington State Attorney General's Office Consumer Protection Division. I guess we will see just how far Bungie is legally allowed to take things, and if they are legally in the wrong. As consumers, it is our right to complain of injustices, regardless of EULA's. Anyone refuting this fact is nothing short of ignorant. Now we will see what the law has to say. *Edit: it's amazing how toxic this community is. It seems there is no camaraderie in this community, and people just resort to personal attacks at the first sign of someone having a different opinion, or a genuine issue with the product. Bungie, in my opinion, made a shitty decision, and showed they don't care for anyone who does not purchase TTK, and all the fanboy's can't see past their blind love for the game. So I pose a question to everyone. Ignoring the EULA, what do you think of the way Bungie has handled this expansion roll-out with regards to those that have not purchased it? Put yourselves in their shoes, and give an honest answer. *Edit: For those that care, the BBB complaint has been processed, and Activision has until October 02, 2015 to respond. Apparently hundreds of people have filed complaints against Activision for various games, with amicable resolutions. There is hope. *Edit: just to clear a misunderstanding. I own the game and the first 2 expansions. I paid over $100 for all that just like everyone else. I don't want anything for free. I just want what I have always had... What everyone always had. *Edit: So, Activision responded to my complaint, and had the following to say: [quote]I understand your frustrations, I have dealt with other cases similar to yours. Unfortunately we are not in a situation to provide refunds or compensation. Unfortunately the only thing I am capable of doing for you is to pass along any feedback you might have. I do not know if this policy will change in the future. If there was more I could do, I would do it with no questions asked. For now if you have any more feedback please feel free to update this case along with your Gamertag/PSN ID. Thank you for your time and have a good day.[/quote] They assume that all I want is money. I just want the features back. I already responded to them, and the BBB case. It seems Activision really doesn't care to solve the issue... big surprise there. *Edit: For those that have not seen this. If Bungie is forced to do this, does that not mean their EULA was in violation of these customer's rights? They are forced to right a wrong, and have been given a reasonable window in which to address it. And yes, they are providing storage upgrades. [url][/url] *Edit: To all those following this, I have just received a response back from the Attorney General's Office Consumer Protection Division of Washington State. They have reviewed my complaint, and deemed it appropriate to move forward. Note, this is a law office deeming this a valid complaint regarding the Consumer Protection Act. So, if they see this as a valid complaint, what right does anyone else have to label this otherwise? They know the law better than you. *Edit: This may be my final edit. For those interested, it appears you can get a refund on your purchase by sending your disc into Activision, and requesting a refund. As per Bungie's EULA, if you do not agree with the terms therein, you are entitled to a refund. So, any guardians out there that don't agree with what happened, and would like a refund, just send your disc to Activision and request one. One final note, should you do this, Bungie will apparently delete your characters and Destiny account from their servers; you have been warned.

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  • You agreed to the terms and conditions, multiple times. Which means, that you should of read them. Doesn't matter that they're long, every time they update the t&a they have to make you read them again. You're in the wrong here. Sorry mate.

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  • Those that haven't paid for TTK should still be able to play EVERYTHING they could do beforehand. Anything less is just plain disgusting. And yes I've got TTK and I love it. But some people can't get it yet. They should still be able to play all the content that was available 2 weeks ago though

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    • taken kontent? more like taken your ass outta here scrub.

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    • They should just get it over with and make this game subscription based.....we all know that's what they're trying to do

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      2 Replies
      • Honest? Destiny is a game we played one year now and its not just a dlc they changed everything in this game. Every normal strike has taken enemies for example now. So how could you play this strikes without downloading anything? Save a few dollars when you are able to and buy it for another 100hrs of playtime. Or just buy a game with 8hrs Story line ;)

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      • I love how you say that we're the fanboys when you filed complaints over a -blam!-ing video game. Makes me want the world to end. (っ^‿^)っ

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      • I agree with you being a whiny little bitch, why would you get higher level strikes? And for that matter all content prior to TTK is available to people, trials and iron banner is level based content so of course it won't be available, instead of complaining and getting on Bungie play what you have available or buy TTK. It is by far the most fun I've had with Destiny.

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      • 1. Why would you play a game like Destiny if you're not gonna buy dlcs and expansions? 2. Can't tell if you're a troll or not. 3. I'd like to see your law degree that wasn't printed off the Internet for $19.95

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        2 Replies
        • Yep Bungie -blam!-ed up there's to much content now buahahahahaha

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        • What are you, Netherealm? Only they kan put k in place of c.

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        • Edited by Strongbad: 9/18/2015 5:34:52 AM
          Cry me a river Build a bridge Get over it It's a damn game

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        • You knew this when you bought the game. It was stated a year before release that it would sell multiple expansions across 10 years. Welcome to the payment club.

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        • Edited by Jeff the Cabal: 9/18/2015 12:02:42 AM
          Please don't try to be a smartass when you're just going to make a fool of yourself. This is bungie a privately owned server, they have all rights to restrict players, restrict content and restrict basically anything within their servers. With buying destiny, and buying any DLCs you have agreed that bungie is allowed to change anything within their server at will. You payed your money and you have agreed to this. Bungie can even shut down the servers all at once if they want to. I also want to note that you didn't pay for any actual content. You payed for access to their servers. In other words, you payed for a license that will allow you to access their severs. Meaning they can do basically anything they want within their servers.

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          • [quote][quote] [b][u]You have not had any missions, strikes, raids, or weapons taken away from you that you have purchased. You can still play all the TDB missions/strikes, HoW missions/strikes and you can certainly still play the vanilla missions/strikes. The same goes for the crucible. You still have every right to play the maps that you have already paid for in the classic playlists in the crucible. [/u][/b] The only thing you have been locked out of is new endgame content like Nightfalls, Weeklies, Raid etc etc. That is not content that you bought that is a [i]FEATURE[/i] of the game. A feature that centers [i]around [/i]the latest content. When you bought TDB you bought the strikes, missions, gear etc etc and the Nightfall then took that content and featured it every week. Now that TTK is the latest content the Nightfall now features THAT content. So no you don't get to do the Nightfall because the Nightfall features new content. Content that you have not paid for. So please stop acting as if Bungie came into your game and pulled all of the missions and gear from your bleeding fingers and pissed on your Ghost. This is how expansion based games have operated for YEARS now. The new expansion comes out with new gear, new missions, and a new level cap. That new content is then featured front and center in every way and the old content is pushed off to the side. WoW, Diablo, SWTOR etc etc have followed this design for years. This is not new and this not shocking. They did it for TDB and they did it for HoW, but they did it on a smaller scale because they were smaller packages. TTK is essentially Destiny 1 part 2. So of course its impact on the day to day functionality of the game is gonna be MUCH more noticeable and much more profound. You paid for content. You got that content. You [i]still have[/i] that content. You can still play that content. [i]Features[/i] such as the endgame activities however will always be geared toward the latest content and if you don't have that content then you obviouslly cannot participate in the features that use that new content. The same goes for the levelcap as well. You paid for the level-cap to be increased in each of the new DLC's that came out because they were TIED to that content and you need that gear in order to REACH that new cap. They have now raised it again and have tied that cap to the new gear. Gear you don't have access to because you have not paid for it yet. So of [i]COURSE[/i] the Vendors are going to be selling the latest and greatest gear. Do you honestly think that they should still be selling old level Vanilla gear like Shadow Price or The Devil You Know even though its been outclassed ages ago? I understand that you are upset that your options are limited now because the content you bought is no longer[i] featured[/i], but don't sit their and claim that it is no longer there or that you no longer have access to it. Because it is and you do.[/quote][/quote][/quote]

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            16 Replies
            • Taken content? Taken tears of the poor more like.

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            • Its funny that you cared enough to file complaints lmao

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            • Jesus christ. You're literally sobutthurt over this that you want to attempt and take the entire thing away from millions of gamers through whatever law bullshit you're talking about. If you don't like it, then just throw it over your shoulder and do something else. For christ sake dude you probably have way better things to do than complain and take it to an extreme level.

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              • Edited by X SkeletonCandy: 9/17/2015 11:40:14 PM
                Pretend your an insurance company for a second. Would you stop giving insurance to people that stop paying you? Of course, why should they get something they've stopped paying for? You're running a business, and the only thing that matters is money, not how much time they've spent using your insurance. Now imagine a small group of customers is calling your business a bunch of greedy douche bags for making them pay for something they want. You'd probably stop caring about them all-together because they're being a bunch of rude and entitled jerks over a simple business decision. The same concept applies here.

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                • If you're not willing to pay, you've got no right to play. [spoiler]Btw the taken king is Fcuking outstanding, you should try it ;)[/spoiler]

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                  • Firstly, you can still play control as before on any map you like. The playlist has changed to be more streamlined. That's all. Everything is available. It just appears randomly Regarding strikes like the heroics and NF. Every nightfall and heroic that was a DLC map locked you out up to now, Taniks and omnigul appeared all the time too. Say they kept it unlocked for you, the THREE new strikes that run on both platforms will appear all the time and you would miss out. Add in the light level cap and there's another block. You aren't getting new gear allowing you to compete for free when others pay, and you shouldn't expect to (I'm assuming you didn't). Next point (I'm now ranting. Not directed at you OP): People need to think bigger than just saying that the developers could have kept a year 1 NF with year 1 rewards in for those that stop. It's technically not possible due to how this game, or most console games work. In 10 years time do you expect 10 versions of endgame for anyone who stops at any time??? Every playlist from each year too? How big is your TV. How complicated and how expensive do you think that would be to run and maintain? It's quite simple and very obvious: if you choose to buy and play a progression based title in a live online world, and then decide to stop your progress due to whatever reason, expect to be left behind while the game continues to do what it's meant to... To be quite honest I'm baffled why anyone who chooses not to purchase an expansion would think they would still be eligible and competitive in anything endgame related. Was it not obvious that endgame would jump a long way forward and up the ladder, leaving you behind??? My fingers hurt after typing that. Apologies for any spelling issues. I've had a few beers too.

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                    7 Replies
                    • PSN name is DC_Rich Can't afford DLC ...

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                      • Edited by Psychedelia: 9/17/2015 11:27:02 PM
                        I am dead -blam!-ing serious when I say this... but I am filing a petition TOMORROW to start an internationally recognized committee which has the sole purpose of awarding a single indevidual with the Butthurt Douche of the Year award. I'm going to do my homework and see if you actually filed this complaint with the BBB - because that is off the charts. It will put you in first place by a landslide so big, no one could hope to catch up by the end of the year. I have never in my 30 years on this planet, seen someone who's time is so worthless and emotions so fragile...whose ego is so massive...that they felt they could (or even should) file a complaint about a video game not turning out the way they wanted it to. To be totally honest, a lawsuit I feel you actually have a tiny fractional chance of winning (because the one you proposed is -blam!-ing insane and delusional) would be to take them to court on the grounds that their game and it's content has warped your mind in ways that have now disabled you. You could argue that your mental state is completely unstable, you can't seem to hold together any kind of personal relationships or a job, and that all you think about is Destiny and how you can get 40 bucks to upgrade your account. I think you have a shot at proving that it has literally made you insane. Normal people move on. You took it to the next level...and 100 levels above that... and for that I want to award you the Butthurt Douche of the Year award. Congratulations sir, you have completely redefined what I previously knew as the definition of pathetic. Every professional adult who comes across your bullshit will laugh you out of the building and tell you to crawl back into your mother's basement where you belong.

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                        13 Replies
                        • Wow this post is so unique and hasn't been posted about before. We get it you're upset. But guess what? No one cares. If you wanna play the game so bad then pay for it.

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                        • Lmao you're a idiot !

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                          3 Replies
                          • Wow, bungie makes an amazing expansion that overhauls the game as we know it, and these -blam!-s try to ruin it. ITS A DAMN GAME take your stupid law stuff somewhere else. If you don't wanna play it, then I will show you the -blam!-ing door, sir. Just let us enjoy it without people like you.

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