Gunsmith rank 2 quest for hunters
Is that perk like the black hammer perk?
No. You have to kill the target to trigger the perk, not land precision shots
Ahh! ^^ thanks for clearing that up!
You get that at gunsmith rank 2. I have it in my hunter.
Damn. Welp I know what I'm doing when I get home from school lol.
It's a pretty decent sniper. I haven't tried it in crucible though.
Im kinda mad about the legendary class exclusives but Im fine with the exotic ones Cuz that's makes sense but I wanna be able to use the sniper on my warlock or titan
I haven't checked to see if you can transfer it, so I don't know for sure.
Class specific only. No transferring
Ok, thanks. So you can't put it in the vault?
You can, but it won't let you pick it up on other characters
Alright, that's good. Thanks, man.