Not trying to offend anyone. But... how many people over 220 work at least 50 hours a week and have a family? Curious is all.
[quote]Yes, you are being a bad picture for your kids then.[/quote] Oh please explain how I'm a bad parent by playing a game after I've read them a story and put them to bed. Please explain how staying up super late twice in my life has been a bad example to them when they have no idea I did it and never will. Please little 10 year old boy, tell me all your ways of master parenting [spoiler]lmafo[/spoiler]
Edited by Za: 9/16/2015 8:49:08 PMDidn't say you where a bad parent, and I don't think so either. I just told you that you shouldn't let them se that you stay up late at night to play a video game. I do not know how old your kids are, but if they can play a game and like it, they can also be addicted to it. So if you say and what you will say because you are a good parent, "ok! It's time to stop playing" and maybe they can come up with an excuse and say that you can stay up all night and play while they can't. But if they are younger and do not play any type of video games they might go up and out of bed for some reason I don't know and see the game destiny, maybe they can get scared or something. Just a heads up! Now continue being with your family. Good day~Xûr.
I work about that much, and have a wife and kid. Was lucky enough to have today and yesterday off and play while their at work and school, and I'm light level 240+
How'd you get that Titan marK?
I believe it came from a blue class engram, def didn't buy it not very good in crucible to have a high enough level lol
Thats also reasonable, Im close to 240 from just last night. Good timing for you!
I work 42 hours a week and have a wife and a son. But took the week off the the launch of TTK
I can see that, ok. Just dont forget them! [spoiler]I know you wont.[/spoiler] If you were working 50+ do you think youd be 280?
I wont man ! And yeah i probably would be. Coz i would still have the week off haha
Lol... week on week off eh? Nice! Im here all week every week. Damn bills....
No just took a week off on annual leave hahaha and yeah unfortunately they gotta be paid haha
Ha! Or we cant play! Its a catch22.
Indeed haha
This, these dudes probably don't go to school or have a family.
I do have a family and i work full time. But i took a week off for the launch. Dont judge people man and dont get salty just coz you aint up there
I mean, surely they cant have a job and family. I Havent even finished the Dreadnaught yet.
Yep, you'd be right.
What do you wanna bet theyll be complaining next week about lack of content too?
I work 48 hours a week and I've found time. It's just using it efficiently
Im pretty darn efficient. But even so, only was able to squeeze in about 6 hours yesterday between work and family.
If you can find a buddy to run with it'll help. Some of those story quests are a pain in the ass solo. Especially on heroic
Tell me about it. Tried, and failed, the daily yesterday. To be fair, I didnt really try but once. If Id had a fireteam it wouldve been more enjoyable. Even so, the fight mechanic was so refreshing.
Yeah I did it with a friend of mine and I think we had about 12 deaths each by the end of it. If you're on ps4 I can help you out of you ever need it
Xbone, but thanks! Seems like TTK is geared towards fireteams more than year one was.