I'm just curious to what everyone is going to do first when TTK comes out? Nightfall? Story missions? Other?
With all the changes to the nightfall I'm no longer sure if completing it first thing is going to be necessary. Comment below!
To all fellow Guardians: Good luck, have fun, and happy killings tomorrow!
Love all the replies, some of you have some pretty 'interesting' agendas tomorrow!
Edited by Who Xur Daddy: 9/14/2015 2:49:52 PMI'm thinking: 1a) Go to jury duty. YES, I HAVE -blam!-ING JURY DUTY TOMORROW. BALLS!!! 1b) Turn in 1 vanguard bounty and 1 crucible bounty, good for three reward packages (crucible, vanguard, and faction), and turn in all stored engrams for a cryptarch reward package or two. Replace with two more vanguard bounties that can easily be knocked off while doing the story/subclass quest. With four or five packages per character, hopefully I'll get some decent gear. 2) Do whatever is needed to unlock the new subclass, then turn in my remaining 12 bounties and 20 daily events to level it and myself up, along with any equipable gear I have received. Hopefully, that will get me pretty damn close to 40. 3) Re-up on bounties again with what's left and do the story, leveling up new gear as I go. If I can get a faction exotic bounty, I'll do that first though to boost my light level even further, but I think I screwed up and pledged factions I'm not at 25 with yet. 4) Nightfall, as I'll easily be at level 40 by the end of the story, and I'll be able to equip any higher light level gear that I've received. 5) Profit But, I'm open to suggestions if anyone has a better game plan.