What i really don't understand is why smoke?
Does it make you happy? Do you think it makes you cool? Are you just trying do be a rebel? I'm genuinely curious.
As a now Ex-smoker, who quit 4 months ago, I feel as I can explain this. The habit becomes addictive. The need for something in your fingers becomes too much, and you end up with an expensive addiction. However, I discovered one day that they stank, and I hated that. Thus, I quit.
Have you ever looked at the back of a 20 dollar bill on weed ? Ah, man it crazy there's a guy in the bush! there's a guy in the bush!
It's super fun
Edited by Lucius Aelius: 9/12/2015 9:57:08 PMWhy eat tasty food, drink alcohol, have sex? Why do anything that makes you feel good? And hopefully I don't have to actually answer those questions for you. Too much of anything is always going to be bad, but life is full of simple pleasures readily enjoyed in moderation without being detrimental to your health or society. The question isn't why, it's why not? If you're driving or working then that's a good reason why not, but if you're on your off time with no pressing responsibilities and not operating heavy machinery then again, the question is why not? It's fun and it doesn't hurt anyone. Enough said.
It kinda just gives you a different perception or way of thinking most of the time it depends on the strain of bud you smoke some make you air headed and some make you feel like doing nothing but eating and playing video games in other words it feels nice to do every once in a while.
People that don't drink or smoke are scary. What is it that they are afraid of doing? It feels good to have a few drinks or a puff with friends, moderation is the key.
Say that when your lungs are as black as the asphalt that makes up the highway.
Yeah say that in 10 years when your lungs are dry dead
If you haven't tried it, it's hard to describe. For me, it makes me think and say hilarious things that are so far from the way I normally think. Sometimes it's fun, others it can be a bit scary. It affects everyone differently. I completely understand why some people love it and others don't.
You could ask the same question about why a person plays Destiny.
It's just fun.
You could ask the same about alcohol
I don't drink or smoke so i don't understand any of it :/
That was crystal clear when you asked "Do you think it makes you cool? Are you just trying do be a rebel"?
You sound butthurt
Fact is, you need to try those things and develop your own opinions about them. Bottom line is they feel good for most people. It doesn't have much of anything to do with being "Cool" or being a "rebel" if you're older than the age of 17
Ah. If youre younger than youll learn when youre older. If youre older than..best i can say is try it once or twice to see what people enjoy about it. Besides cant lecture your kids on it if you dont have firsthand experience with it. Imo
I can lecture kids just fine on the topic of murder, and I don't have to have any first hand experience. This pretty much invalidates that argument.
Edited by Thr0ckmorton: 9/12/2015 10:04:50 PMYoure comparing murder to smoking weed. Stupid, even for a 17 year old
You totally missed my point. I am assuming that when the previous poster said he will be able to lecture to children at the least, I don't think he was talking about giving them a lecture on how you should smoke marijuana. How is my statement any different? I could use anything. I can lecture people on why they shouldn't crash cars without ever actually being in a car crash. Really, it's quite simple English.
Edited by Thr0ckmorton: 9/12/2015 10:25:18 PMAgain, youre relating crashing a car to smoking weed. Simple English yet you cant even read and notice im the OP of the comment. I completely meant that without trying marijuana or alcohol it is ridiculous to lecture your kids on it, pros or cons. You are just being a tool by pointing out things that are completely morally wrong or obvious injurious and trying to compare them to my statement just to be right. Again, stupid, even for a 17 year old
My phone wasn't displaying the comments right and it didn't show you to be the OP. In any case, you again have misunderstood my comment. Why do I have to do something to lecture on it?
Truth be told
Do you drink?