[quote]You ever run into a 50 year old pot head? Their dumb as shit and smell like molded oak. You want to be that when you grow up?.. Go for it[/quote]
That's a fairly narrow minded opinion on the subject. There's a metric shit-ton of respectable professionals in this world that smoke weed. You just wouldn't know it because they keep it under raps behind the privacy of their front door. For obvious reasons they don't want it known, and don't want to be lumped in with the mainstream heads that smoke openly.
Difference between a "professional" and a "pothead".. The "professional" has more important things to do during their busy day than sit around smoking weed guy.
[quote]Difference between a "professional" and a "pothead".. The "professional" has more important things to do during their busy day than sit around smoking weed guy.[/quote] Go on...
A pothead usually sits around, watering, talking to plants like some weirdo, eating celery sticks, drinking a cocktail of Yohoo and V8 spiced vegetable. And they smell like dried Vietnamese, urine stained rice field loafers... ;)
..I apologize.. My "pot-free" brain is more creative than others... I love this six figure salary career. I can troll Destiny and still make bank.. Not bragging, just feeling accomplished.