For example, a member of Yolk spammed YOLK LOVES YOU in the chat of The Ham Hotel. He was banned, and members of the Ham Hotel started blaming all of Yolk for this action. Several members of Yolk were separately asked about this event, and they had no idea of it occurring. No members of Yolk were allowed in The Ham Hotel for the rest of the night, and members of the Ham Hotel were talking trash about Yolk. The rules in the Ham Hotel had to be changed because of the way we were acting. The Ham was embarrassed. If one group is "racist" to another by calling it names or excluding it from activities, what is it called?
[spoiler]Also, The Ham apologizes for any members of Yolk being wrongly accused and banned. Feel free to rejoin as you wish. Let there be peace.[/spoiler]
Well, racism is racism... so yeah. [spoiler]psh. Op trying to reinvent the wheel.[/spoiler]
Groups on an obscure, online gaming forum aren't races.
Racism is racism no matter which groups are involved.
Wtf are you talking about
Racism is a bad term to use, it pertains to race specifically, and as much as I would love to call myself and my fellow Yolk members our own race, that just isn't the case. For the situation you speak of, "prejudice" is a pretty solid term you can use, as the belief that we were attempting to nuke the group and that all of our members had a secret mission to, in some way, negatively affect your group is unjustified. In all reality, this wasn't a very big deal, I see no reason to actually create a thread dedicated to the situation. Just my two cents on the topic. Have a nice day, and yolk thos nuts our leader ⛳️.
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