I can't believe that bungie would do this to us again.
Bump this post to show bungie that we won't take this!
Just see how Luke Smith wants you to throw money at the screen 2:19
And Rick just Rolls in and starts talking about gjallarhorn. We already know its staying year 1!
Lastly the new swords! They have better range and impact than effrideets spear
Come on guys like and bump this post to spread the word
Say- Good Eye Might. Why yes yes it is
Atleast remove the tag and mask the link
I kinda wanna click on it, even knowing what it is...
Fail troll is fail.
And what's new their
It's 3 days
Please do everyone a favor and learn how to troll. Everyone knows that link.
Oh no! A whole three days!!!!! What ever shall we do?!?! Shut up.
Don't let this die please
[quote] Rick just Rolls [/quote]
I violated the [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ]Code of Rick[/url] and was met with Astley justice.
You know that VoG was released after day 1, right?
"Never gone give you up, never gonna let you down" DAMN YOU!!!!! It's stuck in my head now
Self bump, shameless self bump
The 80's, such a better time.
XcQ lol
Masterful Rickroll
Trolling around in money much...
So it's not coming out tomorrow?!?!? WTFFFF
I violated the [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ]Code of Guardians[/url] and was met with darkness justice.
XcQ = bad bait. Step your game up.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Why is delaying raids some big new surprise to you retards? There's numerous logical reasons behind why any Dev would delay a highly anticipated part of a dlc for a few days after releasing it.
Gr8 b8 m8 i str8 aprec8 plz no h8