Honestly have grown to hate this weapon since I have benched it. Now it's all about the last word for small maps. And Hopscotch Pilgrim for ranged maps.
Anyone else finally bench the thorn? I hope the nerf kills it personally. Haha.
What's your load outs these days?
Edit: I appreciate all the replies guys. Thanks for keeping it respectful.
I benched my Thorn in the Dark Below days. I mained The Last Word in HoW. Now. I am trying to play with skill and determination and actually trying to have lasting gun fights where i don't feel i'm cheating. My nornal setup today includes The Summoner Auto Rifle And the Queen's Breakers Bow. I also don't use my Jolder's Hammer or Proximity Full Blat Radius Rocket Launchers anymore. I use a middle tier LMG now. The 'MG18 Harm's Way'so I'm not too overpowered. I want them to kill The Last Word and Thorn. I love them dearly...a little too much, i have a longing to part ways with them and remember them in a state of nostalgia. The guns I love, are the guns i hate.