originally posted in:Shadow Forged Council
SFC has ceased recruitment of clan mates, all of our roster slots are currently full and we will most likely be waiting a month or so until we need to recruit active clan mates again.
All members may still utilize the clan wall/forum to be able to find groups for their activites. Also, even if you did not make it as a clan mate don't let that fool you into thinking we won't game together. I'm happy to assist those who need help on ps4, and many of our admins are equally helpful! Just give us a shout and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Clan Alliances- We have high interest in forming an alliance with active adult clans. Any clan leaders who are interested please contact me for more information. I was going to set up the alliance tree today, but bungie.net is experience technically difficulties as far as initiating the branch goes. So I will get around to it as soon as the website is working properly.
Private messages asking to join the clan- I am still receiving many messages from members asking to become a clan mate. I simply can not keep up with all of these particular messages, and I hope you understand that our roster is currently filled. There will be opportunities to fully join us in the future, but as of right now our clan mate slots are full and secured.
Consoles we support- We only support PS4 and XB1 consoles. We do not support X360 or PS3. You will usually not find our admin team, or any of our clan mates active on those consoles. However, feel free to still utilize our clan wall/forum when looking for a group on these consoles. We have nothing against players who use the old consoles, our admin team is just not active on them so we hope you all understand.
New members asking for assistance in raids- Our admin team has received countless messages asking for assistance in raids and other endgame content. Please stay patient and do not lash out on our admin team if they are unable to help at the current time. We have to help individual members one by one and it is rather time consuming, especially when balanced between work/family time. This is just another topic we hope you all understand.
Unanswered private messages/forum posts- We try to reply to as many members as we can, and believe us, it is very time consuming and hard to balance. Don't feel bad if we don't reply immediately. We are just getting swamped and sometimes we can't reply to every message we receive. But even if you don't get a response right away, we still hear you. We know exactly what you're saying and we are taking notes.
Above all I just want to thank everyone who has made our clan what it is. We went from a small community to a rather large gaming family of sorts, and I'm proud to call you all the SFC Family. I also wanted to thank all of you for your patience while we've been getting everything sorted out.
So now that all of that announcement gibberish is out of the way, who is excited for The Taken King?!
See you in the field guardians.
Probably not the right area to post this in, but played with a member from SFC and the guy was a big help on Skolas. Very fun to play with, enjoyed helping him beat it as much I I'm sure he enjoyed helping me and my friend. Love the clan and what y'all stand for here in the Destiny community keep it up guys!
Need help with Skolas's Revenge, 1 more player needed we are in round 4, Please add Silver_DemonWolf
Willing to help anyone with trials. 34 hunter gone flawless a few times
Willing to help anyone on ps4 send friends request and I will add you, lvl 34 titan lvl 34 hunter lvl 32 warlock.
if anyone plays on PS3 feel free to add me, bunszheider. I'm up to play anything!!
hi can a few of you add me on xbox one because i am in desperate need of help finishing eveything? my gt is Lord fenrir22.
My clan is adults only and we have 40 ish members, I'll send you a private message about setting an alliance up and funneling members there. I'm an Admin and pretty much run the clan so we can definitely set that up.
Ah sucks that I missed getting in. Looking for some like minded people to game with and this seems perfect. Currently only really gaming with the Mrs dad. Lvl 32 titan 31 warlock and building up hunter currently at 24. No expansions as yet as I'm getting them all with taken king. Optimus_Hogg on ps4 if anyones interested. Hope to get to join SFC soon. Cheers.
i'm 27 live in the UK play on PS4. haven't managed to get in a group to raid at all have a 32 titan and 29 hunter waiting on TTK to start a warlock I REALLY wish PSN would allow me to change my gamertag hope to join you at some point
Edited by LockofWar: 9/5/2015 8:47:15 PMI'm barely a month into Destiny but I LOVE this game. I'm usually gaming by myself or with a random. I'm a PVE guy so I felt drawn to this clan. I'm ok at pvp. Just bought the 2 dlcs so I'm going to start playing Crota, POE, etc. 32 years old in the US. I'd love the play with others. Lvl 32 Warlock, Lvl 28 Hunter and lvl 25 Titan.
Hey all guardians was asking for a big favor of this clan. Wanted to ask if I can get some help on skolas so I can become a year one before these three days are up.
Good morning/afternoon/evening/night, I am 56 years old and have been playing some kind of game on some kind of platform for 30+ years. I play games for fun; to relax, unwind, de-stress from a long day. I won't blow smoke and claim that I am a PVP God - because quite frankly I'm not; I die and die often. In PC games I've played in the past (Shaiya, Aion, Hellgate, Diablo 1, 2, and 3, Elder Scrolls, Warframe, ...etc) I am often the one assisting others to level up or get past some feature of the game that has them stumped, and I'm okay with that, because it isn't about me - it's about enjoying the game. If I can assist someone else in achieving their goals and maybe have a little fun too - I'm golden. If you were to check my "Triumph" wheel, you would see several sections that aren't filled (and probably won't get filled) and that is something I'm fine with too. It seems like everyone is listing character trees and levels so; depending on what gear they are wearing I have a Titan, Warlock, and Hunter, that all can be at level 32. If at some point in the future you get some space opened up and are willing to let me join - that would be awesome. If not, that's okay too; have a "Great Day"! Cheers!
I see that you're full or have maybe one spot left. I'm not gonna brag bout how good I am cause I'm just a player, but I love having fun and playing destiny with funny ass people. I'm 34 warlock on main and ... well guess that's it. Good luck to your clan and everyone who has joined or is joining. Have fun!
to bad, your clan looks awesome and kind of like a huge family. the clan im in is like the name suggests. a pack of lone wolves, dont even talk to each other. hope i can join you guys soon.
hey all pretty much in the same boat 33 yrs old wife kid usually get to play in the evening around 6pm till when ever get tired. that's eastern time. at this point already have my moments of triumph completed with nothing really to do and not really many friends that play. have warlock hunter and titan all lvl 34. anyone needs help feel free to game tag is bigslim180 and im on ps4. I also have psn app on my phone so even if im not on ill get mess or invites
Dam that's a shame could really do with some people to play with. :( 27 in England.
Good evening, I'm 32 dad that loves Destiny. I see that you're full. Can I be put on a waiting list? I'm looking for a clan that plays and supports each other. Thanks!
Man I missed it. Hopfully I can get in next time. Been trying to find a good clan was in a few but they just argue and are immature.. Been trying to complete skolas for ever and can ever find anyone, they are all doing PvP.
I always play Solo and I learn that be part of a team is always necessary for progress. Team work and always success on everything. that is the Army Motto! Glad to be on the group..
Is there any way to reserve a slot for when you do start recruiting again? I'm fine with soloing/using a matchmaker, but it'd be nice to have the option to group with members from an active clan as well...
Oh well sounds like a awesome clan looks like ill go it alone
Y'all left out can join Embrace Your Destiny! :)
Just create an SFC II for each console. You are front page news. Scoop up those lone wolves.
Hi guys I'm Kira_82 playing Destiny from day 1. Always looking for teams of people and a very active Clan. I have my own clan atm with little in numbers and not members hardly on anymore. Its time for me to move on to 1 that's bigger and active. I wanted to ask are you a US based clan or do you have people from the UK and all over as members also? I would like to be part of your clan at some point awaiting TTK.
woo, man your mission statement is easily attractive so i figured there would be a mass joining. itll fizzle out a little in a few weeks. im guna keep the forum/buddy system active as much as i can and just be part of it all. good luck to the handful running this joint.