>idiot thinks he is clever > idiot doesn't know what sarcasm is >conclusion idiot is fgt
>be headless zombie >keep trying to not show rustled jimmies >still fail at it >try to greentext >fail at it
[quote]>be headless zombie >keep trying to not show rustled jimmies >still fail at it >try to greentext >fail at it[/quote]
>still trying to look chill
[quote]>still trying to look chill[/quote]
Seriously I'm just bored and this is the tread I found most people in
>dosent care anymore
I can smell your jimmies getting rustled from a mile away
[quote]I can smell your jimmies getting rustled from a mile away[/quote]
Ummmm... That's a smell?
Yes. You should be familiar with it.
Okay who invited this guy?
>is chill