[spoiler]This is the reason most people say "no u" in this site[/spoiler]
"My moms dead"
I miss arby and the chief :')
Best show ever Really miss them
Not really a good argument, considering Halo has more games than Destiny. Its an unfair argument just from that. But it all comes down to one persons opinion. Sick of the dumb little children living in the past saying "Hallo tree masturace!!!" Like shush gtfo its 2015.
>Expected Kat's ass >Was disappoint
But Halo can't take your $40.
Why any game will always be better than destiny... [spoiler]it isn't destiny[/spoiler]
Reply for l8r
Great show but this kinda belongs in #Density. Just as many people there would remember it (I hope.)
Muh nostalgia
Tl;dw Destiny estiny stiny tiny iny ny y
That show is the shit.
No it's Red vs Blue
Don't care
Edited by eres un payaso: 10/11/2015 3:28:00 PMCock of doody 4: modern gayfųcķstupid
Reply for later
Season 8 is coming people!
[b]flash backs[/b] [i]"Thank you so much."[/i]
That was depressing
¿Alguien quiere una invitación de g-mail?
I hate destiny