Sign here if you agree that this subforum should be exclusive to people who have had a account for over a year.
If you disagree, please explain why.
No Because I'm one of them, and not an obnoxious brat
Sepulchers don't have doors.
Well, I've seen some newer users give more input than some older members. But, I'm curious as to why you think newer members shouldn't have access to #Offtopic. I mean, it is just a place to talk about things offtopic from the other catagories.
Guys he is banned
Wow what a dick
What aboyt alts?
Muting is for pussies who can't tolerate a little bit of internet bullshit.
Alm0st 2 mai secund yeer so i kan ban u & all u newfomen fgts
-blam!-ing signed. Also, ITT, <1 year's being the only people against this.
The alts, late reachtards, and if anyone forgets their passwords, we lose people.
So even though I have owned an played halo: CE, halo 2, halo 3, ODST, and reach I should be banned ಠ___ಠ
Muh sekret klub
Because we occasionally contribute
▕▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲ ▕╮╭┻┻╮╭┻┻╮╭▕╮╲ ▕╯┃╭╮┃┃╭╮┃╰▕╯╭▏ ▕╭┻┻┻┛┗┻┻┛┈▕┈╰▏ ▕╰━━━┓┈┈┈╭╮▕╭╮▏ ▕╭╮╰┳┳┳┳╯╰╯▕╰╯▏ ▕╰╯┈┗┛┗┛┈╭╮▕╮┈▏ Are you feeling it now Mr. Krabs?
Kek signed, lemme find my old acc first though
Signed, though I can't remember the pass for that old acc, or the pass of my email acc the other pass will be sent to. Fml
But... My alts......
Since I'm about a year and a half I assume I'm good.
I disagree because I made my account for density but I used to play Halo and Im not a desticle so it wouldn't make since for me not to post here.
Signed 4 u bby
4 years, soon to be 5