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originally posted in: "No exotics left behind" V3
8/26/2015 5:10:58 AM
Wow perfect name because you sound the saltiest of anyone. I guess you like having Bungie dictate how we play the game its way. I guess you like having LESS options instead of MORE options in your arsenal. You're cool with Bungie picking and choosing what weapons and armor it wants to move forward with no input from the players who grinded away for the gear and weapons WE wanted to use. Pretty obvious who the 12-year-old is here. It's the salty clown throwing a hissy fit and insulting everyone who might have a different opinion, wishing cancer on them. Good job. Also pretty obvious you don't know what a real MMO is. Destiny is an FPS with RPG/MMO elements. Get a -blam!-ing clue and grow up. Muted.

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