Most seem solid. The Titan helm is mediocre. The Hunter arms are awful. Having an extra charge on a Warlock gives you healing/shield. Invisibility can be solid in PvE. Overall I do t think it's worth it
What about double backstab?
Too situational imo. I look for more consistency.
Imagine the smokebomb melee w/ its poison equipped, these gauntlets and Monte Carlo (Damage fills melee).
You are absolutely right.
I'm thinking it takes a special level of consistency to use this combo with throwing knives (Pass) Backstab is already an emergency ability - I don't need 2 (Pass) But this DoT, blind and weap combo I could make work. On top of them slowed, blind and receiving damage over time (in an AoE!), Monte Carlo has High Caliber rounds, which make aiming impossible for its targets. Sounds like a niche combo to me!
Naw the hunter has the only good one sadly. That extra melee could be throwing knife or their smoke bombs, and that could easily cause damage. Not to mention the primary reload could be really clutch. The warlock probably had the worse armor piece.
It's concerning how much they're putting into farming.
Kinda kills the hype train for me :/